Monday, August 14, 2017

Manicure Monday: Lechat in Fantasea

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

I was fortunate to attend CosmoProf Las Vegas on July 9-11, 2017. One of the brands at the New Product Luncheon was Lechat. They were kind enough to give us one mood changing polish.

Product Review: Lechat Dare to Wear Mood Polish in Fantasea

Where to purchase: online at
Price: $11.50 for 50 fl oz/ 15 mL

Made in USA

Description from the website: Watch your nail color change magically before your eyes! This Dare to Wear mood nail polish is temperature-activated and dramatically transforms color depending on whether you're feeling color or hot.
Click on the picture to see the original size.
Thoughts: When it comes to mood changing polishes, I'm in-between. I love that it changes color when it changes temperature. I think it's pretty cool and it brings the child-like heart. With that said, I have tried one mood changing polish many years ago. When it touched something chemical, the polish bubbled and chipped off. I didn't like that feeling so I was kind of scared going into it but curious to see what this brand is all about.
Here's a closer look at the top. The top half is the color when the polish is on the warm side and the bottom half is when it's on the cool side.
Here's a closer look at the polish. This is the color it turns into when the temperature is on the cool side.
Here's a closer look at the brush. Compared to my favorite OPI brush, the width is the same. The length, on the other hand, is slighter shorter but not by much.
I applied OPI Nail Envy in OriginalFormula X Prime Xcel Base Coat, two coats of Lechat in Fantasea, and then topped it off with Formula X Shine Xcel Top Coat. This is how it looks when the nails are warm.
I wet my nails to show you how it changed color.

Now for my overall opinion... First of all, I love the brush. It reminds me of my favorite brush OPI. The width is the same but the length is slightly shorter. Even though it's slightly shorter, it really didn't feel that way. Three quick strokes and I was done with each nail. Not only that, it was extremely easy to paint around the cuticles and sides. Secondly, I like the packaging. It's simple and clean. I like that it comes in a gray top. Most polishes have black tops. It stands out but not out there type of way. The glass is clean and sturdy. Honestly, it feels like it comes from a high-end brand. With that said, it's well-made. The top is also sturdy. I feel a tight squeeze when I open/close the top. I cannot see it open or break unless you are rough with the packaging. For that reason, it's travel-friendly. It's also a great size to hold with the hand. Third, the consistency is creamy and medium. It's a good consistency where it doesn't get thick while painting. I was able to take my time without the fear of it drying too quick or getting thick while painting. With that said, it went on smoothly and there were no streaking and bubbles. Fourth, the color is gorgeous and unique. On the top of the bottle, it looks like the warm color should be light yellow. From the picture above, the color is light blue on my nails. It's interesting depending on the light, it can range from light blue (which isn't unique) to light yellowish-green-blue (unique). I know that sounds weird but honestly, it's multiple colors depending on the reflection of the light. Since I have naturally warm skin, it hardly turns to the cool tone blue. If it does, it'll only be at the tips and it's not that noticeable. It's great for spring and summer season. Pigmented-wise I was impressed. Most pastel colors tend to be thicker in consistency. I'm not too sure why but I noticed pastel colors are thick. This particular color isn't completely thick but it is slightly to the point that it's hardly noticeable. I did apply two coats but one thick coat would be good enough. Lastly, there was no shrinkage whatsoever. I did notice slight chipping on the sides of the tips on the third day but it stopped after that. I'm on my fifth day and it's the same as the third day. I just removed my polish and it was extremely easy. With that said, I'm so glad I decided to give this mood changing polish a try. I had a better experience than the one from the past. This did not bubble whatsoever and felt like a normal polish!

* Decent width and length of the brush; quick strokes.
* Easy to paint around the cuticles and sides.
* Clean and simple packaging.
* Comes with a gray top; different from most brands.
* Sturdy glass packaging.
* Well-made.
* Sturdy top.
* Travel-friendly.
* Easy to grab with the hand.
* Creamy, medium consistency.
* Does not get thick while painting.
* Went on smoothly.
* No streaking and bubbles.
* Gorgeous color and unique!
* Great for spring/summer season.
* Not a thick consistency.
* Pigmented.
* Did not shrink whatsoever.
* Slight chipping at the sides of the tips on the third day.
* Easy to remove.
* Did not bubble.
* Cruelty-free.

* Nails hardly change color; only the tips.

Would repurchase: Yes.
Rating:  4/5 Tobey's Paws

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.
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