Monday, March 21, 2011

Nudecos Toner

A little more than a month ago, Korea Cosmetics had a giveaway on twitter. I was lucky enough to be one of the winners. Most of the winners received their prize in February. For some reason, mine came in the beginning of March. I don't know why mine took longer, but it's all good as long as I received it! :) It's only been couple of weeks but I think it's time to review it.
Product Review: Nudecos Aqua 24-Moist Toner

Where can you purchase this: in Korea or
Price: about $12.50 (14,000 won) for 100 mL

Made in Korea

Information on the back:
* Powerful Ingredients
* Glamorous Skin
* Natural Beautiful Result

Using natural ingredients, Nudecos product's potent and active formulas are easily applied and absorbed.
My thoughts: When I first received this, I was pretty impressed they sent a full sized bottle of Nudecos Toner. On the other hand, I was a little confused they only sent the toner. Being Korean myself, I know both toner and lotion are a set. You kind of need one to use the other.

Mostly being raised in the states, I don't know much about Korean brands unless it's the popular ones like Skin Food, Etude House, Laneige, VOV, Amore, and so on. This is my first time hearing this brand, therefore, I was kind of excited to try this.

The packaging of the container isn't the most attractive or at least I think so. When I think about attractive Korean packaging, I think of VOV or Etude House. This is a very simple design but very classic looking. The one thing I love about the packaging is how sturdy it is! I don't have to worry about breaking the product.
I also love that it comes in a pump. Most toners, Korean and American, come in a bottle with a hole on the top. Another good thing about the pump is that you can actually pump as much as you want. I use one and a half for this toner for my face and neck.

One thing I found interesting about this toner is that when I pump the liquid out, it's an off-white color. Once I use it, it becomes clear. It's not a big deal but I found that interesting.

Most Asian brand toners aren't used the same way as American toners. The American toner is to clean the left-over residue after cleansing your face. Asian brand toners are to soften your skin before the moisturizer. That's why this toner is called Aqua 24-Moist. Both aqua and moist are synonyms in this concept. It is a waste to use a cotton for this step. You just use your hand and pat it on both face and neck area.

After using this for 2 weeks or maybe a little less, my skin has gotten better. I'm not too sure if this is making my skin better or that I stopped using Lancome Genifique Youth Activating Concentrate which dried out my skin. It also could be a mixture of both.

* Sturdy.
* Comes in a pump.
* No scent.
* Refreshing and cooling to the skin.
* Not sticky.
* Skin is a little bit softer.
* Hydrates a bit.

* Not a known brand.
* Packaging can be bulky.

Would I repurchase: It'll be hard since I haven't seen this brand around her in Los Angeles.
Rating:  4/5 Tobey's Paws

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post I won in a giveaway. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


Unknown said...

Ooooh 4/5. I may have to try this out! :)

Yes, my cesarean was very painful. It's really different for everybody. I was on pain meds for about a week after. It was awful. But so very worth it. ;)

Come check out my rope bracelet GIVEAWAY and enter when you get a chance!

DinaXYYan said...

Congrats on winning! I've never seen this brand before as well but the toner sounds great :D

Shop N' Chomp said...

Congrats on winning! =D Sounds like a great product. I like that it has sturdy packaging and a pump!

(Girl, what are you talking about? You *do* have nice skin! I need to see "Limitless" now! Yeah, using the artificial nails for your swatches are really helpful. =)

Anonymous said...

you're such a lucky girl hehe. the packaging of this looks nice and i'm glad you like it.

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