Friday, April 10, 2009

Contest #1

Since I cannot sleep at the moment, I thought I'll just update... lol~ I noticed a lot of the comments in my past post regarded the hair pins I made (click here to see the post). Since so many of you guys liked it, I thought I'll have a mini-contest... yippie~ :)
I'm going to give away a pair of hair pins to two readers. The best part is its going to be customized to your taste... hehe~ So basically whoever the winners are get to choose the style they like (pink or blue) and what colors they would like as long as I have the yarn... hehe~ Sounds good eh!?!? ;)

1. You need to leave a comment so I know you're interested in the contest.
2. You need to be a follower to my blog.
3. It's open to everyone including out of the U.S.

End of the contest: April 16th at 11:59 p.m. pacific time

How are the winners chosen: number generator

Once you are chosen as the winner, I will mention it on my blog and the winners have 5 days to contact me through e-mail. You will give me the color and style. I'll make it and send it off... wheee~

I hope this will be fun and people will enter!!! :)
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