She was kind enough to send some foundation samples. The reason why I took so long to post this review is because all the samples were too light for my summer, tan skin. I had to wait for winter to try these samples. That's why I'm reviewing them now! :)
Product Review: Moxie Mineral Makeup in Light Medium
Where can you purchase this:
Price: $3.50 for 3 samples of 1/2 tsp foundation each or $15 for 7 g
Description on the label: If you love Moxie Mineral Makeup, it will love you back! With FDA approved allantoin to heal skin and speed cell turn over, your skin will look better the more you use it.
My thoughts: When I first received this, I was pretty excited. I have tried other mineral makeup in the past, and most have concentrated on my over size pores on my nose. It wasn't a pretty sight! The only company I found that actually look pretty decent and didn't over size my pores was Silk Naturals. For that reason, I love Silk Naturals. :) Even though I didn't have the greatest experience with mineral makeup, I was still hopeful!
The first thing I did when I received this, I swatched them on my arms.
By the way, this is was my summer skin. I'm about NC 35-37 during the summer. Now that it's winter, I'm back to NC 30. I know through pictures on my blog, I don't look that dark and a lot of people think I'm around NC 15-20. I'm telling you the flash from the camera lightens what you really are... lol~
From left to right: Light, Fair Light, Fair, Sunlit, and Light Medium
As you can tell, most of the foundations are light for my skin. That's why I waited until winter to try this product. Even Light Medium is a little too light for my winter skin, but it's actually pretty not bad at the moment.
After trying this foundation out, I was pretty impressed it didn't over size my nose pores! That's a huge plus for me. :) It looked very natural.
I have Cosline Princess BB Cream (will review this later on) with the mineral on top. Other than that, there's no contouring or blush. I'm all natural except for the eye makeup.
* Mineral makeup; natural for the skin.
* FDA approved.
* Cost is decent.
* Doesn't over size pores.
* Looks natural.
* Needs more choices for the foundation.
Would I repurchase: Yes, I think it fits me well.

Thank you Idelissa from Moxie Mineral Makeup!!! :)
I'm going to end with recent nail polish haul.
Revlon in #826 Perplex. It's a dark purple but I think out in the sun, you might see duo-chrome. I'm not too sure on that since I haven't worn this yet. :X I heard it's a dupe of a Channel nail polish. That's kind of cool since I cannot afford Channel nail polish. :P
I bought this Sally Girl nail polish from Sally Beauty. Unfortunately, Sally Girl products run with number not names. This is in #812029. When I first saw this, it just reminded me of Sally Hansen nail polish in Hidden Treasure. I could be wrong since I missed out on that opportunity to get that nail polish which I'm sad about!!! :( Anyways, this nail polish is hot! By itself, it's not that great. You can see it on the left nail. On top of colored nail polish, it's hot! You can see the blue glitters which is shown on the right nail! Now I'm curious about the other glittered nail polish from this line. The best part is it's only $0. 94.
I bought two OPI nail polishes from the Katy Perry collection. I wanted the blue glitter one, but I heard you have to layer four coats for it to show. I didn't think it's worth it.
I got OPI in Not Like The Movies. It's a gorgeous duo-tone nail polish!!! I don't know if you call it duo-tone in my opinion, more like tri-tone... lol~ In certain angles you see metallic silver, pink, and green.
I got the popular OPI in Black Shatter.
Not only do I have OPI in Black Shatter, but I was blessed to receive Barry M. in #311 Nail Effects. I received this nail polish from my first blogger friend Spankedelic. I'm so amazed that we're still in touch through all these years. I have made a great friend! :)
Thank you Trinh!!! :)
I will review the differences between OPI in Black Shatter and Barry M. in Nail Effects in the future post.
Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except for the mineral makeup samples, I received it to try out, and Barry M. nail polish, received it as a gift. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.
Ohh! I'm so jealous of your Revlon Perplex! I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE but couldn't find it =(
Your skin looks great with the BB cream =)
I love the natural look the foundation gives you. :) And yay to nail polish swatches! I miss seeing these on your blog. Wow, it seems like everyone (but me) has OPI Black Shatter...hehe. ;)
(Did you buy the Melliesh stuff?)
Thanks for this! I'm curious to see the difference between OPI in Black Shatter and Barry M. in #311 Nail Effects. They both look awesome!
everybody is so into shattered polishes :D your skin looks flawless btw!
I just gave in to the hype and bouth the OPI shatter >< I can't wait to hear your comparison of the OPI vs BarryM. Tho I'll be so POed if the BarryM is superior eheh ^^
ohh now you can compare the opi and barry version of the crack laq! i think barry m came out with it first :P
It does look so natural on you!
I didn't know Barry M has this black shatter too, can't wait for your review :)
My moms on the look out for a good mineral foundation- think I'll get a sample from moxie! Thanks for reviewing this !
Hi hi :) I bought it at a Chinese bakery.
Haha...maybe. I know I'll be on the computer more than usual. ;)
definately gong to try the foundation out :)
great post & review!! x
yay moxie mineral makeup seems great and girl your eyes are so pretty <3
lucky you to have the barry m shatter lol i've been dying to get my hands on it. eyeballs are getting used to the glare. XP
Mitsuwa? Not sure. I don't shop there as often as I do say at Marukai. Maybe try their website or something to see?
Hee hee...I love how you said it's better you don't get it but still want to know when it ends. ;) The Melliesh sale ends February 28th so you have plenty of time to decide. :)
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