Monday, January 3, 2011

Finished Products December 2010

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except Lancome. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Happy New Year (it is the day I'm writing this)!!!

For the people who follow my twitter, you know I posted the hat on New Year's Eve. I got this free at a casino we went to... hehe~ Tobey wanted to celebrate by wearing it. Okay, not! :P He wanted to chew it into pieces but I wanted him to model the hat first. Isn't he cute!?!? :)

Speaking of Tobey, January 2nd will mark his 11th year anniversary since he came to live with us. Time sure flies!!! He's been the best thing in my life. :) I love you Tobey!!!

I hope everyone had a good New Years!!! I decided to do something different for this year. I have my own personal resolution (private), but decided to make one for beauty-related topic... hehe~ Here's my resolution for the coming 2011.
I will evaluate my resolution at the end of the year on my blog. You guys will follow my adventure with me.

What are your beauty resolution for 2011?

Starting with the new, I need to end with the old... hehe~ I'm going to end with my "Empty Products of the Month".

Finished Products for December 2010
Lancome Renergie Cream

I did a thorough review on this cream and still think it's a great hydrating product. It really helped during my dry, winter weather skin. When it comes to the anti-aging aspect, I'm not too sure. I don't have that much signs of aging, therefore, I wouldn't notice if it worked. It felt nice on the skin, melt like butter, lasted all day, and didn't have to reapply until after I cleanse... hehe`

Would I repurchase this: Yes and no. At first, I thought no since it's kind of on the pricey side. On the other hand, I'm starting to think good products will help me in the future with my wrinkles *sigh*. Then again I might find other products that work better... hehe~

The Body Shop Vitamin E Hydrating Toner

I also reviewed this product on my blog. It's a great, refreshing toner! I love the idea of a toner made from an organic company. It makes me feel good to know that I'm not putting something bad on my face. I also like that it's alcohol-free. Please don't use a toner with alcohol. Alcohol is a drying effect on the skin. It's a big no no... hehe~

Would I repurchase this: Yes, but not right now. I still have 3 toners I need to use up. I need to follow my New Year's Resolution... hehe~

Avon Concealer

This is an old concealer from Avon. I don't even know the name for this stick since the label fell off... lol~ How embarrassing! :X It's actually my very first concealer I ever purchased. I can't even find the name on Avon website... lol~ Either they changed the packaging or it's discontinued. :X It's actually not a bad concealer for blemishes, any reddish spots. For dark circles, I don't think it works that great. I'm really blessed since my dark circles are not that bad. A little dab of concealer of any type will cover it with foundation/BB creams.

Would I repurchase this: Probably no since I can't figure out if they changed the packaging or discontinued... hehe~ :X

EOS Lip Balm

I did a review on this lip balm. Other than the packaging is unique and adorable, it wasn't very moisturizing at all. :( I had to reapply every hour to two to feel some moisture on my lips. I think the more I used this product, the more I craved for something on my lips. I also noticed the transition stage from this lip balm to the next was extremely terrible. The outer layer of my lips peeled off for 2-3 days. I'm not too sure why. :/
For the people who wanted to know where is the bottom of the lip balm, here's a picture of it... hehe~ The lip balm isn't really an egg shape at all. It's more like half an egg... lol~

Would I repurchase this: No!!!

Face Secrets Make-up Brush Towelettes

I bought this long, long time ago. When I used it the first week, I was kind of disappointed. It did clean the brushes but I still felt a sticky residue on the brushes. This is all mentality because in my head it triggered it wasn't clean, even though, through naked eyes it was... hehe~ :X Since the way I felt, I stopped using it after one week. I decided to retry the wipes after a month. The wipes were dried out!... lol~ Instead of throwing away and being a waste, I used the wipes to thorough clean my brushes once a month with aloe vera. It actually came in handy... hehe~

Would I repurchase this: No.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except Lancome. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! I am the same with you on the resolutions :D

ndoodles said...

Yay for all finished products! I totally agree with using more make up when I go out and use up my make up instead of buying so much.
Your dog is almost as old as mine :)

Gaby Fauchon said...

I remember your review on the EOS lipbalm. It's sad because I wanted to try it so bad, but it's not available in Quebec. But I hate lipbalms that get your addicted! it's never good x=

Anonymous said...

happy new year! cheers for finishing all these products

AskMeWhats said...

Happy New Year dear! I am wishing you for the best 2011 :)

Fabuless Beauty said...

Happy New Year! I like your "waste your makeup, not save" resolution. I tend to be conservative with makeup.

drama girl said...

Great beauty resolutions. I should try to do all of those too. Love buying makeup, but I very rarely wear makeup =/ And I'm really bad about finishing products because I try to save them too >_<

Shop N' Chomp said...

I like your New Year's resolutions! You're so disciplined. My beauty resolution would probably be to wash my face even if I am dead tired...haha. Oh and Eos lip balm did nothing for me too. :\

(The Inglot in Vegas opened a few months ago. There is also one here in Newport Beach at Fashion Island but I haven't been yet. Thanks for entering :)

amynaree said...

tobey looks so adorable! dogs are def a girl's best friend hehe

i have never hit pan on a lip balm before because i always lose them! i always thought eos balms were a full egg!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to you!

I actually had a sample of Renegie day cream and I liked it very much! It made my skin glow and like you said, I only needed to use a tiny bit. However, I took a look at the price and back out. It is so expensive!

Bijin Blair said...

Hmmm, my beauty resolution would be to refrain from purchasing more until I see pan in some of the existing products in my stash.

And also toss products that I do not use/ are way past their expiry dates, and not keep them for sentimental purposes. But I've been good in this resolution, tossed three bags of skincare/makeup away! Time to fill those empty spaces hahaha xD *kidding*

RYC, I was talking about the sliding balm during our chat =] It's listed as one of the runner ups under my lip care category.

Denysia Yu said...

Happy New Years! :)

Lilac is like a dark hot pink color on my lips! It's very pretty, and I think goes perfectly for fall/winter! :)

Blovet Beauty said...

happy new year! I like ur resolution to waste more makeup!! hehe gives u a reason to keep on buying..

Radiant Make Up said...

Happy new year :)
lovely post!! x

DinaXYYan said...

Happy New Year! I love your NY resolution, it's pretty much similar to mine hehe..

ryc: Yes, Lunar New Year is on the early feb but I got excited already :D

NicRTV (陳亞任) said...

Happy New Year...awww...he looks so behave....with his hat on....
and do have beauty resolutions....I wish I could do the same but I'm too lazy to take care about my skin...hehe....

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