
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Bath & Body Works Shea & Vitamin E Body Lotion in Beautiful Day

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Please don't forget to enter Sephora Deluxe Samples Giveaway. It ends December 21, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. PST (Pacific time).

I am not too sure when I got this deluxe sample from Bath & Body Works. All I remember is that I had a coupon and got this free sample.
This is Bath & Body Works Shea & Vitamin E Body Lotion in Beautiful Day. Since I did a thorough review of Bath & Body Works Shea & Vitamin E Body Lotion in Japanese Cherry Blossom, I will base this on that.
Here's a closer look at the ingredients. Click on the picture to see the original size.
Here's a closer look at the opening.
Here's a swatch of the product on my hand.

Now for my overall opinion... First of all, there's a noticeable scent while using. It smells heavenly. It's in-between fruity and floral. I can smell apple but on the other hand, I smell flowers. I just sniffed the product and it smells how it's applied. The scent might be too strong for some people. I actually like the smell so I do not mind. It last for quite some time. Also, I do not know if Bath & Body Works changed the scent. On the website, the picture looks different but it has the same name. Secondly, I can only talk about the deluxe sample I received. I cannot talk about the product on the website. I am not too sure if the scent and formula changed. With that said, it's well-made and sturdy. It's made out of plastic. The top is also sturdy. You can feel a tight seal, as well as, it makes a clicking noise when you open and close the top. I cannot see it open or break unless you are rough with the packaging. For this reason, it's travel-friendly. It's easy to throw in your purse, bag, and even your pocket. It's also easy to hold with one hand. Third, the consistency is creamy and on the medium. It's not too thick that it's hard to massage into the skin. It's also not too thin that it runs while using. It's a good consistency and you can take your time with massaging the lotion into your skin. With that said, it's easy to use. It's light-weight, not sticky, not greasy, and comfortable. It's also hydrating except during the dry winter weather if you have dry skin. I am having a hard time using this product right now. I have sensitive hands and yes, only hands. My hands are dry and cold during the winter weather. When I wash my hands even with warm water, I can feel and see my hands crack. It's the most weirdest and uncomfortable thing I have seen. Because of this, I would apply moisturizer on my hands non-stop. This particular lotion did nothing to improve my hands. Other than the winter weather, my hands are moisturized. Lastly, I was enjoying this product during the fall weather. Now I am not because it's winter. I am glad I got this product. I actually like it a lot. Because of my weird skin, I tend to go for the cream than the lotion. Most people should be fine and for that reason, it's great for all skin types. I just have weird hands!

Would repurchase: Yes.
Rating:  4.5/5 Tobey's Paws

Other Bath & Body Works products reviewed/swatch:
Shea & Vitamin E Body Lotion
Ultra Shea Body Cream

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

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