
Monday, December 13, 2010

Yes to Cucumbers Wipes Soothing Hypoallergenic Facial Towelettes

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money except Yes to Cucumbers and Kathy Van Zeeland. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

I'm going to finally review the makeup wipes I received in the swag bag from the Beautylish event.

Product Review: Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Hypoallergenic Facial Towelettes

Where can you purchase this: drugstores, retail stores, and online
Price: I'm not too sure since I received this for free (10 travel towelettes)

Made in California

Description on the front: Yes to cucumbers and aloe vera to cleanse, remove makeup, and nourish skin... all in one swipe!
My thoughts: I was really excited to receive this in the swag bag. I was at the process of using Up & Up wipes, did a review for these as well, and it wasn't doing justice for me. This came at the perfect time!... hehe~

The first thing I did is smell the product. It's suppose to smell like cucumber but in my opinion, it doesn't smell like cucumber to me. It smells like some kind of flower. :/ I'm not to keen on the smell, but at least the smell doesn't last that long!!!... hehe~

After smelling it, I used it. I was shocked to see the size of the wipes!!! It's 3/4 of the size of most wipes I have used... hehe~ I was worried if it would clean everything and let me tell you it does! In all honesty and after using these wipes, I wonder why others are that big. I think this size is perfect and the original size are too big. It's kind of a waste of wipes... lol~ :X
The quality of these wipes are pretty decent! It really removes makeup well. I haven't had any issues. In the picture, I only swiped it once.

* Yes to Cucumbers; organic brand.
* Cruelty free company.
* Travel size; easy to carry around.
* The wipes are 3/4 of the size of the original.
* Removes makeup well.
* Refreshing.
* Doesn't dry out fast.

* Smells like flower; I'm more a fruity girl.

Would I buy this again: To be honest, no. I just can't stand the smell. :X
Rating:  4/5 Tobey's Paws

I have two lip products I have never posted. I bought both of them quite a few months ago. My bad!
The first lip product is a Rimmel lipstick in #022 Nostalgia. This is my second lipstick from this line. The first one is Pink Blush.
Here's a swatch of the lipstick. I think it's gorgeous! Now I want Airy Fairy and Crush.
This is my second lip product. It's Revlon lipgloss in #180 Pink Pop. I own two others from this product, Coral Reef and Firecracker.
Here's a swatch of the lipgloss. It's such a pretty Barbie pink color! :)

I'm going to end this post with a bag I got several months ago. I went to a QVC taping a long, long, long time ago and they were kind enough to give the audience members gift certificate to QVC. I finally used it to get a bag for myself.
I got a brown Kathy Van Zeeland bag. I love the details and the charm.
It also came with a makeup bag. It has a mirror on one side.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money except Yes to Cucumbers and Kathy Van Zeeland. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Floral scents are not my thing either!

  2. I really want to try some of the 'yes to'' products, I jsut keep forgetting to get around to it:)
    gorgeous post!! x

  3. i love the kathy van zeeland bag you got. it's really cute. i think it's neat how the makeup bag already has a mirror on the front. that's very handy. plus, the print of the bag and makeup bag is very unique. those qvc people are nice to give stuff to the audience. especially something generous like pretty bags. :)

    i was thinking of getting one of these yet to cucumber things at CVS last weekend. now that everyone's been saying something good about them, i think i should. it will really come in handy for sleepovers and stuff or even quick spot-cleaning because of the smaller size. :)

    i'm not too keen on flower smells either. well, not really with makeup. especially not with lip products. then again, weirdo me still likes that waxy, old fashioned smell on lip stuff for sentimental purposes. hahaha... if the floral scent doesn't linger, i wouldn't mind very much either. :)

  4. ooo i love mu wipes and revlon gloss. I love the nude lustre one bc i cant really wear the pretty pinks and reds.

  5. Thank you for the review on the makeup wipes, I've been wondering about them and if it smells like flowers that will definitely give me a headache! lol. Pretty lippies you got too! :)

  6. i imagine it'd smell so nice if it smells like cucumber <3! love cucumbers...:D

  7. The cleansing wipes sound really great! I don't mind flowery scent :D
    The makeup bag with mirror is really cute~

  8. Is QVC somewhere on the East coast? I wish I could go to a taping...hee hee. :) Love your collection of lippies. So much PINK! <3 And ugh, the wipes have a floral scent? I don't think I would be able to deal with it either. =\ But hey, it's made in Cali? Nice! ;)

  9. I think it's in PA? Aw, love Ellen! You're so lucky. It's so weird how I've never been to any of the talk shows I really want to go see Conan one of these days. :)

  10. How do you like the revlon lipglosses?

  11. i sure will let you know what i think of those yes to cucumber wipes once i pick them up. i hope none of the stores will run out them soon. looks like they sell fast, i only see one or two of them at the counter. hmmm... i wonder if the other customers watch youtube or read beauty blogs too. hahaha... :D

    you're so good about having a not yet used lip balm stash. :D i switch mine up. actually, i have some in my purse and others in a frequently used drawer. they're EVERYWHERE. lol.

    i don't have any kathy van zeeland bags yet, but they sure are very pretty. i see them all over macy's. i know sometimes they have good deals on them too when they have those 40% off sales. :)

  12. love teh lippies! i have that pink pop color but i havent even opened it yet! im so bad lol

  13. haha... if anything, your blog is awesome with reviews. :D plus, it introduced me to revlon's colorburst lipsticks and the maybelline born with it lipstick. oh, and korean makeup wipes too. although, the brands of the wipes are different. that's because skinlite is the only available one here. hehe... speaking of wipes, i'll make sure to look for yes to cucumbers on my next trip to target. :)

    oh yeah, huh? yeah, ross, marshalls, tj maxx, etc. would be good places to find kathy van zeeland bags. i remember finding some cute little xoxo one at ross for only $6, i believe. i was lucky that day. i don't think it really was meant to be $6, but it had no tag. the cashier just grabbed a random bag to ring up my xoxo with a missing tag. that was nice of her to give me a good deal on that. :)

  14. About 7 right now which isn't a lot compared to some other girls but too much for me. My problem is that I get most of them from GWPs, and then after a while decide I no longer like them. So they get donated…hehe. :)

  15. Hi Ahleessa! Happy holidays to you and Tobey in advance <3 I'd be away for a week and stay warm and pretty :D! xoxo take care!

  16. the wipes seem really refreshing and nice. it does decent job as well. the pink blush is pretty

  17. I heard about Airy Fairy and if I'm not mistaken it isn't sold at my place.. or maybe it is and I'm unobservant lol

    I adore the packaging of the Yes to Cucumbers towelettes! The cucumber prints are so cuteeee~

    How's Tobey? Been ages since I last saw his picture on your blog =[

  18. very nice stuff. Specially, I just love the brown bag and the pink lipstick too. Nice sharing

  19. the pink lipstick and lip gloss looks very pretty! if the rimmel one is still available, i'd definitely try and pick it up in the UK :D

  20. glass flooring: Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting! :)

  21. Hee hee...not moving anywhere. That's just where I'd want Santa to put all those goodies for me. XP

    Merry Christmas to you too! Hope you get everything on your wishlist, girl. :D

  22. Nice review! I wasn't too keen on the scent of the wipes either. Cute bag as well!
