
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Upcoming Review from CSN Stores

Please don't forget to enter the Perricone MD Cold Plasma Giveaway! It ends June 27 at 11:59 PST (pacific time).

I am so excited to hear I am a member of CSN Stores Preferred Bloggers!... woo hoo~ It makes me so happy to know they enjoy my blog to put me into that category. Thank you CSN Stores!!! :) It's such an honor. For the people who don't know CSN Stores website, it's a place where more than 200 different stores sell their products from dining room tables, pet supplies, cookware, and even feminine products like bags. Here are some pictures from their website.
I'm a big fan of wood style products and this dining table is oh so gorgeous!
This bed looks so comfortable and will be great for Tobey... hehe~
Here's a Kathy Van Zeeland bag I like. It's simple and pretty.
They even sell cute things like Hello Kitty. If you're a fan of cuteness, raise your hand *raises hand*... hehe~

I can go on with pictures and products CSN Stores sell, but it'll never end... hehe~ Stayed tune for my upcoming review from them!

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post are from CSN Stores. I am not affiliated with this company nor getting paid to advertise this product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Credit: CSN Stores


  1. Haha the hello kitty mouse! Adorable! x

  2. there are a couple adorable things i see here. the dog bed. yes, that will be great for tobey. i'm sure he will love it. :) looks very nice and comfy for dogs. i also think the hello kitty mouse is adorable. i have this friend who LOVES hello kitty. i'm sure she will love this mouse. she pretty much has hello kitty everything. at work, we all have to carry the same clear bags. i know it's her bag right away when i see a bunch of hello kitty things in it. LOL.

    ah. the cherry nyx item i was talking about is the eyeshadow. :) wow. they have a jumbo pencil in that color too? neat. is it like a reddish pinkish shade? i've never seen that color as an eyeshadow base. that would be a cute color for an e/s base. :)

    oh yikes. yeah, that wouldn't be good to crave a lot of salt while the taste buds are losing taste. salt isn't exactly one of the healthiest condiments around. i like salty food, but good thing i don't love it as much as sweets and spicy stuff. then again, having such a sweet tooth isn't great either.

    based on the FOTDs you do that show your lips, i think the pink tone colors suit you well. :) i can't imagine you in darker lip colors because i got so used to seeing you in softer, lighter pink colors. hehe... i can also see you in softer coral and peachier shades too. like the cute and youthful colors. :) softer and lighter shades compliment your skintone very beautifully. :) i am curious to see how you'd look in a darker lipstick though. maybe it'll look nice. :) yay! now there's a request idea right there. if not darker, i'm curious to see you wearing a mid-tone lipstick. :)

    it's a good thing it's not humid in korea. in the philippines, it's really hot and sticky. sticky thanks to humidity. sometimes simply sitting down results to extreme sweatiness. that's what i don't miss over there. hehehe... whoa. rain in korea non-stop for 30 days? maybe that's why the plants and crops are nice and green there. i remember seeing that when the plane landed there for a lay-over. i would like to visit korea someday. :)

  3. The bed does look comfortable :D

  4. Aww that dog bed definitely looks great! I'm sure your Tobey would enjoy it =D Can't wait to see your review! I received my perfect Petzzz Golden Retriever some times ago and I love it ^^

  5. about the email, don't worry about it. :) i totally understand. :)

    i love cute things and hello kitty too. i just don't have enough hello kitty things though. i want more. hehehe... too bad they closed the sanrio store here. i used to buy pens and stationery from that place. for me, cute things will never be outgrown. i bet your stuffed animals are really cute. tobey must enjoy looking at them. :)

    i didn't know you haven't done a lip picture with born with it. i thought you did or i thought i saw one. hehehe... i think it must've been another lipstick you had on. ah. no worries if you haven't done one yet. lol. :D

    wow. the cherry jumbo pencil must be a very pretty color. i'm sometimes like that with my stuff too. i end up keeping things i don't really like. i'm sometimes lazy to return them. that smelly revlon gloss i did a review on, i chucked it in the trash. pretty color, but the smell and taste is too horrible to endure. lol.

    yup, you mentioned it is humid in korea. hehe... it's just like the philippines. in the philippines though, it's still hot even though it's rainy. i would like to go to korea too for shopping. i also would like to try the food there. and yes, sight-seeing. :D i love visiting different countries. i really miss that. when my dad was still in the navy, we used to move around a lot. it was a pain because you leave your friends, but living in a new country is always fun. :)
