
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dr Perricone Free Samples

This will be my second time working with Perricone MD and I am really excited about it!... wheee~ You should check out their blog, as well as, Dr Perricone Free Samples. This time they are going to give one of my readers a full size, 1 fl oz./30 mL, Cold Plasma worth $150. How exciting is that!!!
Here's a little information from their website:
Cold Plasma represents Dr. Perricone's most comprehensive and efficacious work to date.  

Through Dr. Perricone's patented delivery system, Cold Plasma offers the skin all it needs for optimal health. Cold Plasma helps correct the ten most visible signs of aging: wrinkles, enlarged pores, dryness, redness, discoloration, uneven skin tone, impurities, loss of firmness, loss of smoothness, and loss of radiance.

Whatever your age or skin type, Cold Plasma delivers extraordinary results.

Not only is Cold Plasma an awesome product, it received 4.5 stars from the people who have used this product from 631 reviews! That is one really good rave!!! I know the product is expensive, but Perricone is having a current special offer - free samples of Cold Plasma.

They're giving out 1 free 0.25 oz. Cold Plasma Deluxe Sample Tube. You only need to pay for shipping ($4.95). This is really a good opportunity especially to see if your skin likes it or not.

Now for the giveaway...

How to enter:
1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. One entry per person.
3. Open to US and Canada residents.
4. You must be 18 years or older. If you're younger than 18, please get your parent's permission.
5. You must leave a comment to this post with a blogger/google username stating why you want or need this Cold Plasma.
6. You must agree to leave your name, e-mail, and mailing address with Perricone MD.
7. The giveaway will end in two weeks, 7/27/2010 11:59 PST (pacific time).
8. The winner will be drawn with a random number generator. You have 48 hours to contact me [aly_4realz (at) hotmail (dot) com] or else a new winner be chosen.

Extra entries:
1. Post this giveaway on your blog (+1). If it's a new blog post, it'll be (+2).
2. Tweet about this giveaway (+1).

Thank you Perricone MD for sponsoring this giveaway!!! :)

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post are sponsored by Perricone MD. I am not affiliated with this company nor getting paid to advertise this product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Credit: Perricone MD


  1. Thank you for having this giveaway!
    I want to try the cold plasma, because I've never tried anything from the Dr. Perricone line! And I think it would be great to try this product out! :D

  2. Hi! I really want this product because I just don't do anything for my skin these days because I'm stressing myself over summer classes - and it shows. I'm losing that glow :( I think this product would be awesome!!!!!

  3. Oh wow, I was just looking at this last night! (but I didn't get to order. *sad face*) But this looks really luxurous, and Perricone products are very well known for anti-aging, so I'd like to give it a shot. :)


  4. wow. that's a generous sized giveaway for the full size of cold plasma. whoa! $150? it must be worth the money though. i hear a lot of good things about perricore MD products. :)

    that banana sauce for me is LOVE. speaking of that, i should tell my mom to buy bottles of it when she goes to seafood city. it's really yummy with fries and chicken. i think pretty much on anything that requires ketchup. :)

    as far as favorite meats go, chicken probably will be my favorite. i like beef too. gotta have that protein after all. hehehe...

    yeah, i can't believe people actually sleep on casino tables. oh, gosh. some mean security guard that was telling you not to lay your head on the slot machine. if people can eat and drink there, i think it would be okay to rest your head there too. hehe... about people sleeping on tables, they don't literally lay down. that would be funny to see though. i think they just rest their heads on the tables or something. ben said he used to see people with really bloodshot eyes trying to fight their sleepiness. must be the tough gambling spirit. hehehe... some couldn't endure, i guess, and end up sleeping. lol.

    thanks so much on the compliment about the purple lipstick. i'm glad and relieved it worked out. :) there are ways to soften up the purple look too and make it look less crazy. hehe... i'm okay with crazy...once in a while. lol.

    aww... A LOT of people do like your blog. hehe... you have way more fans than i do. :D i think it's really cool because you deserve the love. consider me one of your biggest fans. yay! :D

    i know this is random. how is the weather in LA? must be crazy hot too, huh? here, it's already really hot early in the morning. i am hoping there will be no earthquake anytime soon though. lol. take care. :)

  5. Ahleessa, I need Cold Plasma because I'm getting older (*sad sigh*) and I no longer look youthful (I think I look older than my age actually *gasp!!*), even though I'm Asian :'( I'm hoping that this product will make even out my skin tone in addition to giving my skin a more youthful and radiant appearance. I feel like I look very haggard :(

  6. I've posted this giveaway on my blog's side bar & made a post about it here:

    Thanks for having Dr. Perricone sponsor this giveaway!! :)


  7. yup, i love leaving comments on giveaways. hehehe... joining them is fun, but i'll pass on this one. i still have my samples here i need to use up before i can get another one...well, if i win it, that is. hehehe... my co-worker gave me a boatload of samples that i have yet to touch. lol.

    banana sauce with chicken sure is good. it's hard to resist chicken with a sweet, tangy, spicy kick to it. there's another sauce i like, but it's thai. it like chili sauce or something. i sometimes eat that with my chicken too or anything fried.

    ah. yeah. you never know what can happen in the casino in case you fall asleep there or take a bit of a rest. it would not be cool if someone runs off with your purse or something. i'm very paranoid about that in movie theaters. i shove it between ben and me. not like anyone's going to get it or there's anything to get, but protectiveness won't hurt.

    i would probably think the same way too if a security guard came up to me and told me that. like, "uhh... excuse me?!?" lol.

    ben used to work as a cage cashier at the casino. he literally worked in a cage giving cash back to winners and people who want to gamble some more. hehe...

    i'm sure you'd be able to pull off the darker lip colors. i know mid-tone colors will look nice on you like berry or a slightly darker pink. :)

    here's one thing for sure between our blogs, people like yours better. i don't get as much traffic. hehe... i've never had over 20 comments before. lol. it's okay though. it makes me happy seeing you visit my blog very often. :D

    haha... it sure is hard to do anything in the extreme heat. i kinda stalled to go jogging today, but i ended up doing with along with grunting and pouting. i like heat, but not this boiling kind. lol.

  8. it actually took me a while to get in with the trend of revlon's photoready foundation. i was kinda scared to try it on at first, but i'm glad i conquered my fears. i bought it and liked it. i'm probably sure you will like it too. :D it's quite shiny, so it's always nice to keep it company with powder. :)

    yup, he sure was really cool to give me a bunch of samples. the samples are skincare stuff like toners, cleansers, moisturizers, etc. they are from this makeup brand called artistry. i tried out a few of the samples and they actually work pretty good. :)

    yay! are you a fan of spicy food too? that'd be cool if you are. :D i love it! even though i sometimes can't handle spices at a certain level, i still endure though...with a big glass of water. LOL. that chili sauce is amazing. now i want chicken to eat with it. hehehe...

    i know ben had to put up with a lot of weirdos when he was working in the cash cage. some people still insist on getting cash even though texas hold em ate all their money already. lol. other than weirdos, he didn't have more strange stories about the cash cage. well, he said some of the people he worked with were weird too. then again, all jobs have those. lol.

    i guess you can try something between light to mid. maybe start off with a sheer color too. i'm sure it'll look nice on you. :) i can imagine slightly mid-tone warm colors will look pretty on you. :)

    lol. that's funny how the bobbi brown sales lady brought a lighter lip color than the bright one you already tried on. she probably must've been new. hehehe...

    wow. you guys actually had rain there? we didn't get it. just overcast with thunder and a slight breeze. it was still hot indoors though. today, the AC is on. since all this heat, we've had more customers than ever at work. well, i guess shopping is a good excuse to beat the heat. lol.

    have a great weekend and stay cool. :D

  9. I want to try this because as I get older, my pores have gotten bigger and I have uneven skin tone. It would be great to see the results the Cold Plasma will do for me.


  10. Hi girl, I'm a new follower and what great timing to visit your blog! I've been hearing positive things about Perricone MD, and I naturally have thin skin.. which means more discoloration from my veins =( I'm also getting those fine lines under my eyes. I think this product sounds like a miracle worker and would love to try it! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    I also tweeted about it-

  11. once you're ready for photoready, i'm pretty sure it'll still be popular. new things will come up, but this photoready one looks like it's going to be a hit for a long time. :) for many, it'll be the ultimate HG foundation. hehehe... :D

    wow. that's a new thing i learned about the tongue. how one loses senses as the years go by. that would be so cool if i can be super-tolerant to a whole bottle of habañero sauce. hehehe...

    yup, thank goodness ben did not have extremely weird experiences at the casino. i know he didn't have fun there though because he was stuck in a cage for a whole shift. he really did enjoy the buffet though. hehehe... i know i would too. i'll probably be there even when it's not time for my lunch. lol. i love eating. :D

    that was a good idea for you guys to go to the mall to get cool air. we used to do that in the philippines. even though we had nothing to buy, we went to the mall and chilled (literally also. LOL.). we sometimes went to movie theaters just for AC even though we didn't really fancy the movie very much. as long as we were able to avoid the heat.

    yeah, it's so weird how it stayed hot even though it rained for a while over there. it's like that in the philippines. it's still hot and humid even with rain.

    i'm pretty sure darker lip colors don't look bad on you. then again, i can't really imagine you wearing a darker color. i can imagine a sheer, midtone color on you though. that will look very lovely. :)

  12. This is my first time to your blog and I am so glad you have recipes and skincare reviews! My two favorite things in the world =)
    I would like to try the Dr.P's cold plasma because I have combination skin and battling with dry area's around my nose and chin. I hope this product will help with that, and also I think I am getting crow's feet (the horror)

  13. I would love to win this product because I fight daily to counteract and cope with all the traditional signs of aging: dryness, fine lines, loss of tone and firmness. I'm one of your followers.

  14. This is a great giveaway! My skin is anything but smooth and my acne scars are really embarassing. I'm nearing 30 years old now and the scars haven't faded all that much from when I had a bad case of adult acne about a year ago.

    I would love to try this out to see if it will help my skin problems!!!

    Thank you for the opportunity!

    I am following you on Google Friend Connect (Eliza)
