
Monday, June 7, 2010

Short Update

The CSN giveaway is closed but I will announce it when I'm feeling better physically. I'm so sorry about this!!! PLEASE understand I went through a hard weekend and I think I got the worst part of this *sigh*.


  1. Oh my! I hope you feel better!!
    and have a nice week!

  2. Oh my! Hope you feel better!! :)
    Hope you have a nice week!!

  3. Sorry to hear about your weekend. =\ Feel better soon!!

  4. Awww...I hope you feel better soon!

  5. I hope you feel better soon Ahleessa!! I'm sure everyone understands anyway!

  6. AWW I hope you feel better soon!!!

  7. Awwww! I hope you feel better soon! I know what you mean by bad weekend! Get better! :)

  8. *hugs* hang in there hun

  9. *huggs i hope you feel better soon hon! your health is so much more important so just relax and take care of yourself k?? =) until then i shall eagerly await your next blog entry!! lol =D

  10. *huggs i hope you feel better soon hon! your health is so much more important so just relax and take care of yourself k?? =) until then i shall eagerly await your next blog entry!! lol =D

  11. *huggs i hope you feel better soon hon! your health is so much more important so just relax and take care of yourself k?? =) until then i shall eagerly await your next blog entry!! lol =D

  12. "Rich"?! Um, ok. =\ Haha!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  13. Sorry to hear this. :( I'd ask you what happened but I also understand if you wish to keep it personal. Just hope you recover soon. :)

  14. Penny Pinching Pixie: Thank you for the well wishes!

  15. Omg, I am sooo sorry girl. Thank you for opening up when you really didn't have to. Please take care of yourself! *hugs*

  16. I hope you feel better soon! :)

  17. Oh dear.. I hope you're feeling better dearie *hugs*

  18. I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon!

  19. Hi Ahleessa! I think you commented too! You're not going crazy. For some reason my intensedebate thing appears ot have disappeared. How bizzare!

    Anyway, I'm glad to hear the doctors think you're fine!! How long with the bruising and swelling take to go down? Poor you...I hope they hooked you up with some painkillers and anti-inflammatories!

    Gosh...That's not good >< I hope you're able to get a new one, or are you too scared to drive? I can imagine it would be a very traumatic experience and you'd not want to drive for a while, unless you're much stronger than me! I bumped into a lamp post with my bumper, quite badly too (it cost £800 to fix because I broke the brackets of the light) and I felt like I couldn't drive for a week. Pathetic or what (all it was was a dent).

    Hopefully your insurance agent is stronger! Good luck with everything, and do take it easy!!!! You definitely need some TLC!
