
Monday, May 31, 2010

Cellnique Paramedical Skincare

Please don't forget to enter the $125 gift certificate to CSN Stores giveaway (click here to enter).  It ends June 6 at 11:59 PST. :)

About a month ago, Cellnique Paramedical sent me skincare products to try out. They are an Asian based, Malaysian and Singapore, company that sells skincare products for all skin type including problematic skins like acne. The PR person asked me what type of skin I have and my concerns. I told her I have combination, huge pores on my nose, towards dry skin and I worry about my aging skin.
She sent me five products to try out. When I received the products, the boxes were bent. The reason behind that is they are an earth friendly company and packaged through a bubble wrap instead of a box. It's all good as long as the products weren't ruined... hehe~ :)

"Cellnique Corporation is supporting Earth Day and Environmental Month in promoting awareness and appreciation of Earth environment where we believe that all of us can make a few small steps in our daily life to care and improve on our environment by starting with these 2 simple initiatives:

1. Reduce paper usage by saying NO to packaging box
2. Reduce disposable bag and start using recycle bag

To promote such awareness and updates of our ‘green’ activities, we have spent some time to build the following:
2. Cellnique Corporate Fan Page

We hope you will also help up to spread this message of No Paper. No Bag."

Now I will review the products as I used them... hehe~
Price: $50 for 0.5 fl oz/15 mL

Made in Switzerland

Information on the backWith its unique combination of Acetyl Tetrapeptide Gold Dipeptide and Rhodochrosite extract, this breakthrough eye formulation helps alleviate eye puffiness by increasing blood circulation and deep moisture the eye areas. It reveals radiant eyes immediately after short period of application.


My short thoughts: I used this twice a day (morning and night) around my eyes, smile line, and forehead. You're probably asking why I use this around my forehead and smile line... lol~ Koreans use eye cream around all the wrinkles on the face because it's more concentrated than a moisturizer. :/ I recently learned this and it really has helped the worried line on my forehead!... hehe~ :)

Texture and smell: It's a clear, gel-like and it does not smell unless you put your nose to it. When you closely put your nose, it has a slight scent but hard to tell.

* It has a pump.
* It squirts evenly.
* Gel-like formula making it easy to pat/massage on the eyes.
* It does not have a scent.
* Cooling to the skin.
* Noticed less wrinkles on the bottom of my eyes.

* Takes awhile to absorb onto the eyes.

Product Review: Cellnique Skin Action Sebum Gel
Price: $51 for 1 fl oz/30 mL

Information on the website: This is a phyto bio-engineering formulation gel for all skin types to reduce both blackheads and whiteheads on affected skin area without painful extraction. This daily maintenance gel also reduces sebum secretion, leaving the skin clear and producing smooth visible results within 10 days of application.

Ingredients: Purified Water (Aqua), Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis) Extract, Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana ) Extract, Carbomer, Propylene Glycol, Menthol, Poly(Oxy-1,2-Ethanediyl),α-(Donyl Phenyl)-ω-Hydroxy, Sodium Hydroxide, Peppermint (Mentha piperita) oil, Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) Root Extract, Hydrolyzed Milk Protein, Potassium Azelaoyl Diglycinate, Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Leaf Oil, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Diazolidinyl Urea.

My short thoughts: I only used this once a day, mornings, on my nose. I have huge pores where a primer does not help. When I apply pressed powder on top of my nose, it sinks into the pores. :( By the way, I received a sample not the full size.

Texture and smell: It's a clear, gel-like and it has a peppermint-like smell. I'm not too keen on the smell since I don't like peppermint... hehe~ :X

* It comes in a squeeze bottle with a tip.
* Extremely cooling to the skin.
* Noticed the pores decreasing on the nose.

* It's hard to squeeze the product out.
* Amount that comes out from the tip after you squeeze it isn't always the same.
* Peppermint-like smell.

Product Review: Cellnique Reversal Diamond EGF Drop
Price: $67 for 0.5 fl oz/15 mL

Made in Taiwan

Information on the back: A quintessential luxury formula containing Nano Diamond and Nano Platinum powder, it helps reinforce skin resilience, rekindle skin cells functioning and replenish moisture. Combined with biotechnological aFGF (Fibroblast Growth Factor) and EGF (Epidermis Growth Factor), Reversal Diamond EGF Drop helps promote fibroblast proliferation, counteract signs of aging and reignite youthful luminosity.


My short thoughts: It comes in a dropper and I apply it twice a day, morning and night, all over my face and neck. Whenever I use this product, I feel like I'm back in college... lol~ I have not seen skincare products that has a dropper. I used droppers for chemistry/biology labs. I think it's a genius idea for skin care products though! :)

Texture and smell: It's a clear, oil-like sebum with no scent.

* It comes in a dropper.
* It does not have a scent.
* It softens the dry spots.
* Face feels smoother.

* The oil-like sebum leaks from the dropper.
* It can get messy.
* It takes some time to absorb onto the skin.

Product Review: Cellnique Derma Brightening Complex
Price: $45 for 1 fl oz/30 mL

Made in Singapore

Information on the back: Derma Brightening Complex helps prevent skin hyperpigmentation while restoring its natural, luminous glow. Inflused with Kojic Acid and L-ascorbic Acid, this strongly-effective yet gentle formulation works to suppress melanogenesis, while facilitating the cell-renewal process. Excellent for all skin types including sensitive skin, pre- and post-operative skin, users can expect highly-satisfying results after a short period of application.


My short thoughts: I use this oil-based booster twice a day, morning and night. This one also comes in a dropper and the dropper seems to be better than the one above.

Texture and smell: It's a light yellow, oil-based booster and it smells like nuts. I'm not too keen on the smell... hehe~ :X

* It has a dropper.
* This one isn't messy.
* It's cooling to the skin.
* This one absorbs onto the skin quicker.

* It has a nut-like smell.

Product Review: Cellnique Vital Cellular Repair Emulsion
Price: $73 for 1 fl oz/30 g

Made in USA

Information on the back: Vital Cellular Repair Emulsion is an innovative formulation that consists of reparatory ingredients that are specifically designed to repair damaged cells and promote healing process. Bioactive Vitamin C provide visible skin replenishing and reparative benefits. Perilla Extract is powerful free radial scavenger to help reduce tissue scarring, photo-aging and skin sensitiveness. It protects all skin types including skin sensitive to environmental aggressions and provides relief to dry and dehydrated skin conditions.


My short thoughts: When I first used this, it reminded me of Clinique Moisture Surge. You only need a little product to spread/massage onto your face and neck. If you have dry skin and used all the products prior to this, this is very moisturizing. If you use this alone, I didn't find it that moisturizing.

Texture and smell: It's a dirty, colored cream and it doesn't have a scent.

* It has no scent.
* Cooling to the skin.
* Moisturizes the face if you used the products prior to this.

* This is the only one that you need to dig your fingers into.
* Used alone, it isn't moisturizing for dry skin people.

Would I buy these again? Yes, I see improvements on my skin.
Rating: [Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg] 4/5 Tobey's Paws

Now for the before, a month ago, and after pictures. I'm WARNING you it's pretty graphic!!!... lol~ There's a lot of freckles and no makeup whatsoever... eek~ Trust me I wish I didn't have to show you these but I think it's good to see what the results are. :X

PLEASE ignore my fat, nasty nose!!! :X I don't know if you can notice the difference, but I noticed my pores became smaller on my nose. There's also less noticeable white and blackheads.


On the inner, bottom corners, I noticed less wrinkles too. I think I was wearing sunscreen in the before picture. I see a tint of whiteness in the before picture... hehe~ :X

I used the eye cream on my forehead and noticed less noticeable lines. Please ignore the worried line. I've had that since my teen years I believe. It's genetic in my family. Everyone seems to have it... lol~ :X

The company is kind enough to give first 50 of my readers a sample, 3 mL, of Vital Cellular Repair Emulsion.

How to get the sample:
1. E-mail with your full name, address, or the blog's url if you have any with the subject
2. Readers that send their blog's url might stand a chance to do a product review.
3. This ends in one week, June 7th, and the delivery will take 4-6 weeks.

Thank you Cellnique for giving me these products to review!!! :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are given to me by Cellnique. They sent these products for me to review. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. It looks really effective! I want to get my hands on this brand. Thanks for the review!

  2. That's a great chance to try these products. I like the idea of a dropper too!

    Good luck on the job search - I'm assuming from your comment? =) It took me forever (2 years) and it's still only keep at it! My search is still continuing too >< So what field are you looking in?

  3. thanks for the review..hope i could try it..

  4. Great review! It's great that it does work on you, I can see that your pores are smaller :D

  5. ah. this must be the long post you're talking about. it was a nice read though. your review on each product was amazing. i also like how you featured before and after results. if they were based here, i would definitely try the eye cream for my forehead. especially the stupid deep line i have on top of the bridge of my nose. lol. thanks for this post. very spot on, informative reviews. :)

  6. yay! I entered thanks for the post!
    very much appreciated!! :D

  7. I'm glad this product works for you. It's a wonderful thing to see your wrinkles minimize.

  8. lol. about the lipgloss name, worries. i think it does look more like a lavender than it does a lilac. or is there really a difference between the two? eek. i should know how to tell colors apart. hahaha... i would've the guessed the name to be lavender sky too if it weren't for the revlon site.

    as long as the color is pretty, i'm sure i'll like it. it's such a relief that this one actually smells good compared the previous one i bought. never again will i buy that nasty creme gloss. lol.

    maybe when you made this post on the first try, there probably might have been a glitch with blogger. stuff happens sometimes. i'm so glad you were able to get it published. :) it also made sense to do it all in one sweep. it is, after all, from the same brand. plus, people would buy them together to accompany each other. something like that. hehe...

    wow. that's a good idea. to try bad gal out with and without a primer. would be nice to see pics of that too. :D i think i tried it without a primer once. it showed decently. not as bright, but my friend noticed it. hehehe...

    yay. glad you live close to ben. in case i visit there, i can visit you too. :D any person who loves makeup and loves to talk about it, will click with me in person very well. :D yup, i can see us getting along as well. :D

  9. yeah, lilac and lavender are quite like identical twins already. i am guessing lilac has a more pink undertone and lavender is more of a blue. not sure though. hehehe... i'm gonna look that up. ahhh... the beauty of google. hehehe...

    blogger sometimes has its moments. there was a time when my comments were acting all weird on me. it would say i have 5 comments when i actually have 6. something like that. it's happened twice already.

    maybe when my son is off his booster seat, he can travel with me too. believe it or not, i haven't really been out with my son without my parents being with me. he's a good kid, but he some moments of being too much of a handful that it takes more than one person to look after him in public. luckily that's improving though. :) but yeah, you will meet him one of these days too. :D

    oh yeah, forgot to answer your question about revlon palettes. yup, they are good. decent pigmentation. there are some quads that don't have such great colors, but i love a majority of them. i can imagine copper spice on you. that's one of the neutral, bronzy ones. that'll look very pretty on you. plus, you will love it. :D

  10. whoa. whoever that is. that's messed up. following you and then un-following you all because you did not follow. that's quite rude. ooops. i hope i don't get my butt kicked for this. hahaha... i'd be more than happy just getting a comment. as much as i love followers on my blog, it's not really mandatory to do so.

    oh yes, i sure will let you know the difference between lavender and lilac. this is what i like about the whole makeup interest. you get better acquainted with colors. especially with their undertones. i didn't really know much of that before getting into makeup. you always learn something new each day. :)

    hahaha... yup, there indeed are many of us beauty bloggers. blogger can't handle so many of us all at once. we're all a handful. j/k. hehehe... :D

    among boys, it probably must be the testosterone that's making them all hyper and energetic. my son is that way. he can't keep still. i'm pleasantly surprised he behaved when we went to walmart/kohls yesterday. :D

    haha... it happens. there are times when people spend money without thinking. happens to me sometimes. that's when buying on impulse comes in.

    i think those revlon palettes have a few neutral quads i know you will like. there's another one. i'm not sure what the name of it is though. i think it's like dessert sands or something. there's also precious metals. i like how they have $5 at walmart. at CVS they like a dollar more and then some.

  11. Haha! I do sometimes think about the Internet when I'm away too. :P

    Ooh, great tip about using eye cream around wrinkles. It totally makes sense too. =) I like reading your reviews b/c they are always concise. The before and after pics are really impressive. So is this brand a part of your skincare routine now?

  12. Hi Ahleessa! Thanks for the camera tips ^^

  13. it is quite sad to lose followers. it has happened to me a few times. then again, i think to myself, "one loss will equal two or three more gains."

    i feel ya too. i'd get bothered too if somebody did that. i know how that feels on facebook when somebody removes me. i even used to scope for that lost person if they actually lost their facebook or if they just don't like me anymore. lol.

    wow. thanks for looking up the differences between lavender and lilac. :D i'm guessing lavender is the plant and lilac is the bush? i probably might have it the other way around. hehehe... same color, different sources. lol.

    about justin, yeah, i think he'll calm down as he grows up. i'm glad to hear from his teacher he's been improving with his behavior in school. i was very pleased to hear about his grades too. that's my proud mom moment seeing all these high scores on his report card. hehehe... hmmm... having another kid? i probably would if i ever get married again and if my future husband would ever want one. as long as i'm not too old for it. it's scary to have kids at a later age because of complications. i am very satisfied with justin as my only kid though. :)

  14. I think I've been leaving comments on the wrong posts. I've been clicking on the comment link at the bottom thinking it's for the previous post. Oops! And sorry... I was SO SURE that I was following your blog but I guess I wasn't. I am definitely following now. :)

  15. Work that yellow gold and let's get fobby together! XP Where do you buy your earrings? I haven't been able to buy any cute ones in SoCal since my trip to HK. :\

  16. wow. that's really sweet of you to say i have never aged. :) thank you for that compliment. :D i don't think you will either. once you reach my age, you'll only look half your age. :D

    yeah, it's really curious to know who had taken themselves off the following list. a better question would be...WHY did they do it? hehehe... on facebook, someone has removed me. maybe because my status was so negative. well, if they don't like it, they did the right thing. i'm not going to get butt-hurt about it. it was my thought after all, so i stand by it. hehehe... sorry for sharing that. lol. :P

    since you looked up the difference between lavender and lilac, i just found out for you, which is the bush and which is the flower. lavender is the flower and lilac is the bush. plus, lilac is a warmer color (closer to reds/pinks) while lavender is cooler, more to the blues. i found out from a person's blog that actually does gardening. :D

    yup, another child is nice...when i'm ready for one and if it's meant to be. if not, i'm very happy with justin. plus, he has the energy of many kids anyway. hehehe... :D

  17. Thanks for the quick reply and recs! :D

  18. oh, i had written something negative on facebook regarding my life. someone deleted me a few seconds after posting that. it's okay. one loss, maybe five gains. i'll just put it that way. :)

    my hair is actually very thick too. hehehe... my mom said it's funny how i started off bald and here i am with a lot of hair now. that's cool you have thick hair too. compared to thin hair, it won't get damaged as easily. i just hate how clips don't last on me. they break easily. i have to buy the really huge ones. lol.

    you're welcome about the lavender/lilac difference. the beauty of google. it's everyone's faithful friend when it comes to looking things up. i think even with directions, it comes in handy. :)

  19. XD omg there was a noticeable difference for the nose~ love when you can really see the changes :)
    how ya doing??
    is it hot over there?

  20. oh, the thing i wrote on facebook was about a personal problem of mine. (it concerns feeling lonely and relationship problems) i guess someone did not care or want to know and just deleted me. i guess that's how sensitive people are these days. i'd be lying to myself if i kept posting "happy, happy, happy" even though i really am not. well, i try to be. try. hehehe... oh yeah, that reminds me, i need to reply to your email. hehehe... :)

    oh, no. sorry to hear about what happened to your hair. i kinda like to pull out dead hair (hair that feels kinda wiry) when i can't sleep or when i'm anxious. we're on the same boat somewhat.

    lol. thanks for hearing me out on the whole facebook thingy, btw. :)

  21. omg i just sent email i hope i ll get a change to try it.. really want to try Cellnique Derma Brightening Complex.. hehe :)
    ur review soo great!!

  22. Hi Lovely! I just wanted to answer your question about my ethnic origin.

    My parents are both from the Philippines, but my mom has some Chinese ancestry and my father has some Spanish ancestry. His Spanish last name has been passed down from generation to generation and was eventually passed on to me. As for my French first name, my mother named me because she believes French names sound beautiful. So I don't actually have any French blood in me.

  23. i love sweet & punchy too. it's one of my to the beach favorites. it looks nicer in person too. like lime hi-c. hehehe... :D the camera i use is my blackberry. :) i should've gotten an actual camera a few months back, but i got so attached to using my blackberry. maybe because i'm kinda afraid to use a camera. i've never used a digital camera before. all i have is my blackberry and some scanner my sister gave me in case i want to scan drawings or old school pics in my scrapbook.

    yeah, some friend that was on facebook. true friends don't run away from you during tough times. i discovered it was an old classmate of mine back in jr. high. good riddance to her. then again, she probably might've deleted her account over all. as long as my sears buddies don't get rid of me. hehehe... :D

    yay. it's great to know i'm not the only one who pulls out dead hair. hehehe... well, it is good to get rid of wrinkly, wiry hair because it itches. my cousins discovered this habit for me. they were playing with my hair one time and pulled a dead one out when one of them discovered it. since then, i couldn't help but fish for my own dead hair too and pull it out. this was since 6th or 7th grade. it's a very old habit. college sure is a stressful time. i can see why your habit started then. i do it when i'm stressed or bored.

    enjoy your weekend. :D

  24. hey, alyssa!

    you've got mail. hehehe... gosh. that reminds me of internet in the 90s. lol. it's about time i email you. sorry to hear you were having a bad day too. hope everything is better.

    i can imagine i'll be attached to my camera once i get an actual one. it'll actually come in very handy for traveling too. (hopefully i will again.) plus, i want better looking pics. especially swatches. my blackberry just washes certain colors out. either that or my light just sucks. hehehe...

    wow. there are more people who pick dead hair out than i thought. so, some girl you know from church told you too? it's always nice to pull it out though. it's very itchy. i also don't like how it pokes out.

    as for drawings, i like to design clothes. i'm a fashion designer wannabe. hehehe... it's been a hobby since i was little. i do have some sketches in my blog, actually. :)

    anytime you feel like venting, i am just an email away, girl. take care. feel better soon. :)

  25. Hii Ahlessa thank you for stoping by my blog and left a lovely comment on my post ^__^
    yes i hope cellnique will reply me soon :D

    hv a great weekend :)

  26. i guess the hair that grows back from where it was picked will become brittle. i'm not sure. i agree. hair-picking isn't healthy. plus, it's one of those nervous habits. it sure is a hard habit to break though. that and nail-biting. at least i haven't bitten my nails in four years, so that's a milestone. hahaha... :P

    glad you like the new setup. i like the colors too. they can go with any room theme. actually, that was the only available color at office depot anyway. :) plus, it was easy to put together. the instructions made me nervous, but the actual assembly was a breeze. thanks to my son, i wasn't too bored. he kept me company while i put everything together. :)

    yeah, the collection is fun to play with. when it increases, the harder it gets to store. actually, it's not really as much as what it seems. i do have a couple empty drawers.

    hope you're feeling better today, btw. :) take care. :)
