
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gift Certificate to CSN Stores Giveaway Winner

I apologize for not announcing the winner right away! I will tell you later on in this post if you are interested in reading. Now to what you probably came for *drum roll*...
I had 70 people who entered. Thank you for entering!!! :) The winner is
screw ball :)

Congrats screw ball :) and you have 48 hours to contact me with your e-mail address. My e-mail is aly_4realz (at) hotmail (dot) com. If you don't contact me within 48 hours, I will announce a new winner.

Thank you CSN Stores for sponsoring this giveaway!!! :)

For the people who read that I was away, probably thought I had a flu or something in that line. To be honest, I wish I had a flu!!! Unfortunately, I ended up getting into a car accident.
It doesn't look that bad in this picture, but it is. My car doesn't drive at all!!! :( I try to do a nice thing by helping an emotional friend and in the end, bad things happened to me *sigh*. My car was the one ruined that doesn't run. One of the person in the other car acted like she had a heart attack. I was the one injured! When it happened, I didn't notice any pain. Several hours later when everything stunk in, I started feeling pain around my elbow. I noticed several layers of my skin weren't there and I saw fresh, pink skin. The next day there was swelling around my elbow and it was blue/black around it. The worst part was I couldn't move my elbow. As days went by, I'm able to move my elbow and the bruise is slowly going away. I know I know I keep hearing this and yes, I will see a doctor tomorrow. I hope you guys will understand why I haven't updated, as well as, announced the winner right away!

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. OMG Ahleessa! I'm sorry for your car accident! Like you said, it doesn't look so bad in this picture, but it must have been something when I think about ehat happened to your shoulder... and that the car doesn't drive! I hope you will be better soon... at least you haven,t end up with a broken shoulder 0=

  2. I really hope you'll get better, sorry about the accident :(

  3. =/ at least you're not injured too badly *huggs.. it looks like you might of damaged the axle and arm.. maybe part of the frame depending on how you got hit..

    hopefully the doctor will tell you that its nothing too serious! and i really hope your friend appreciates what you've done/gone through for her

  4. Oh my goodness! =( The accident sounds horrible. Sorry to hear you were injured but at least you came away in one piece which is what ultimately matters. I hope your insurance is covering the damage/bills. Hang in there and take care! Things will get better very soon I can feel it. =)

  5. Oh gosh Ahleessa! I hope you're okay... I'm glad you're going to see a doctor tomorrow. I think the fact that you can move it is a good sign! Sorry to hear about must have been a really traumatic experience for you.

    Do you know whose fault it was? And will you be able to get your car fixed?? Really...I hope everything will work out fine for you. Take it easy...

  6. That sucks and I hope you get better and you're able to get your car fixed! =)

  7. Oh man good thing your elbow's not broken! *whew* But I'm sorry to hear about your car. =( Nope, not getting anything. I'm being good! ;)

  8. yikes. i'm really sorry to hear about your elbow. i'm glad you're going to see the doctor and have it checked. that is pretty scary. as for the car, i noticed the big dent on the front. looks like the bumper is gone too. that is good evidence for the insurance agent to see.

    take care, alyssa. and thank you so much for the updates about this too. i am happy to hear you are safe and i hope your elbow will be totally okay when you get it checked. :)

  9. Don't feel bad for having to take time for yourself. If you don't take care of yourself, who will. I am sorry that the accident happened, but I firmly believe that you were helping someone in need and that you will be blessed in return. Hugs to you, and don't apologize for taking care of yourself.

  10. Cheryl: Thank you for the sweet comment! I wish I could feel that way at the moment, but I feel like everything is against me *sigh*. I'm sure things will look up but it is hard to feel that way at the moment.

    By the way, the picture of the puppy is so cute!

  11. i'm so glad to hear your elbow is okay. i'm happy nothing is broken at all. :) i am sad to hear about your car though. usually, cars for people are like trusted friends. it looked like it was a nice car too. :(

  12. Ai ya! I'm sorry to hear about your accident & I hope you'll be okay! There must be some bad luck going around the blogsphere because you're not the only one that got into a bout with something bad that happened. Time to bring out the good luck charms to shoo away all the negative energies, hehe. (Sorry, I'm a bit superstitious thanks to my Chinese heritage ;)

    Feel better soon & don't feel bad that you helped out a friend. Good deeds come to a full circle in the end! :)
