
Monday, October 15, 2012

Los Angeles Korean Festival 2012

Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile! The last couple of weeks has been crazy with my dad's birthday (family get together) and his birthday trip to Korea (helped him prepare for the trip). He left Thursday and it gave me the weekend to rest. It was really nice just staying in my pj's and not doing anything! :)

Last weekend, Los Angeles had their annual Korean Festival. I've been going almost every year since I can recall. The last time I blogged about the event was in 2010. You can check out my post if you like. I went last year as well, but I didn't stay long. The people I went with wanted to leave. I made sure I went this year with someone who has similar interest as myself. I had fun that we made it a weekend thing, we went both Saturday and Sunday. Since I had so much fun, I forgot to take pictures of the event and the food I ate. Sorry! Just imagine tons of booths from eating, selling, to crafts. I'm going to post the things I got.

Saturday, October 6:
I can't remember which booth we got the fan from. The seller saw us fanning our face with paper, and told us they have a better fan than paper. They gave us this wooden fan. I like the design and the concept of the fan, but in all honesty I wouldn't pay money for this. The quality isn't that great.
Then we went to the lotus blossom booth, and I made the pink one (right one). My friend is into crafts just like myself. We wanted to make more, but they told us we can only make one. Then the monk offered us papers if we volunteer. We ended up volunteering for couple of hours to get papers (we got green, pink, red, orange, and yellow), as well as, made the purple and flower during the time. They were kind enough they even gave us lunch.
I added the pink and purple lotus blossoms with the white one I made in 2010. It's actually hanging from my ceiling. I actually might throw the white and make a new one with the papers we got. I'm thinking yellow. What do you think?
There even had a booth from Pechanga Casino. I got a free fan (I took to work because there has been two days this summer where the a/c broke) and a key chain lighter. I'm pretty impressed with the lighter. It's extremely bright!
Then we went to Verizon booth and spun the wheel. I got a cup and pen. The pen will go to good use since I lose pens often in my purse.
I got baby samples even though I don't have babies. I'll use it on myself.
Then at the udon booth, I spun and won myself two udons. I wanted the grand prize because they had cute chopsticks with the two udons.
At the children's section, I made a topper and flower. The flower will come in handy. I can make it my next project.
The Hanmi Bank was giving out wet wipes. I put it in my bag and pull them out whenever I need one. Also if you play their baseball game, they give away a prize. You get a choice of baseball, blue, or pink pig. I wanted the blue piggie, but they ran out. They only had the pink one, but I'm still happy.
Then we got our free clay the professional made that day. The hardest part was carrying this around while it was still wet!
I picked this one because of the heart shaped top.

Sunday, October 7:
We went back Sunday for this tote. We wanted to make one on Saturday, but they closed early. You get to paint your own tote but unfortunately, it was a different design.

Other than getting the tote, we ate as well. I wished I took pictures. I need to be better. My bad!


  1. sounds like it was loads of fun! i want the udons. seng seng udon! :)
    glad to see you back blogging!

  2. It was a lot of fun! I think you will enjoy it... hehe~ I had the udon today and it was okay. :X

  3. Sounds like so much fun! I love the lotus blossoms! So pretty! Yellow will be beautiful.

    Ahh your dad is in Korea! Did you give him a long list of beauty products to haul for you? kekeke

  4. You should have come to the Korean Festival. I think you would have enjoyed it, but I think you have one around where you live though if I recalled our conversation.

    Yup, my dad's in Korea. He'll be back this weekend. Time sure flies *sigh*! I didn't give him a list of stuff I wanted, because he would be clueless. Instead, I ordered it online & have it shipped to my cousin's house. She gave it to him already and he'll bring it w/ him. I didn't order much. I didn't want him to carry heavy stuff. :/
