
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

RIP Tobey

Please don't forget to enter Aveeno Gold Metal Worthy Giveaway. It ends August 11, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. EST (Eastern time).

Sorry I have been gone for couple of weeks! I went through a hard, personal time of a roller coaster of emotions. I debated if I wanted to dedicate a post on Tobey. I realized he's been with me since the beginning of this blog, and even though he's not with me, I still want to keep a part of him on this blog. I will keep the Tobey's Paws in remembrance of him.

I do not want to get into details of his passing, and please don't ask me. If you really care about him or me, as a friend/reader you will just be by my side and support me. I want to dedicate this post on the happy times I had with Tobey. He was my joy, laughter, my younger brother (he's actually my dad's dog), my baby, and my best friend (he would just listen and never talk back).

Now in remembrance of Tobey...
When I first learned how to make amigurumi dolls, without a doubt I wanted to make one of Tobey. Here's Tobey modelling with Tobster. I have Tobster on a self in my room.
He really was a great model! Here's him with one of the scarves I made for myself. It looked great with his black fur.
I actually reviewed this pet bed on my blog. While I was taking pictures of the bed, Tobey kept standing on it. He's such a rascal which I loved about him! He added excitement in my life. :)
We had a pipe burst in our backyard and my dad had to replace the whole pipes with new ones. After replacing the pipes, he applied the cement. Tobey would step on the cement every time my dad did a certain amount. My dad had to cover the cement while doing it. He did not want Tobey to step and leave a mark. My dad was so proud of himself because there was no way he can knock down the protection. We had to let it dry overnight. The next morning my dad woke up and none of the protection was knocked over. We were in shock when we took the covering down to find Tobey's paw prints! He left a mark on earth and on our backyard. :)
Here's his reaction after being scold for his naughtiness. His cuteness won over his naughtiness, because we started laughing.
I hardly post a picture of myself on this blog, because I want to stay anonymous in some ways. I'm ending this post with my favorite picture of Tobey and I.

I love you Tobey so much! You truly will be missed!!!

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