
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

L'Oreal Lash Boosting Serum

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

I've been using this for four weeks now and think it's about time I review it.

Product Review: L'Oreal Lash Boosting Serum

Where to purchase: 
ULTA, drugstores, mass merchandiser, and online at
Price: $12.99

Made in USA

Description from the package L'oreal introduces new Concentrated Lash Boosting Serum, our first-ever eyelash serum, with revolutionary pro-keratine complex technology to boost natural lash health with daily use.

With continued use, lash health improves. Lashes appear:
* Fortified
* Nourished
* Strengthened

Direction on the back: Apply at night to bare lashes, or during the day under your mascara.

Start with a clean, dry eye area. Using the curve of the Soft-Touch Applicator, sweep serum onto lashes from root to tip, like a mascara.

Next, glide the applicator tip along the upper lash line, like an eyeliner. Allow serum to dry before applying your mascara.

For Best results, use twice a day before (I CANNOT continue because they put a CVS sticker on top)!!!

Ingredients: I never posted this because I never thought it was that important. I realized how wrong I was. Knowing that I'm allergic to the chemical oxybenzone or any of the benzone family in sunscreen and SPF products, I realized how important it is to know your ingredients... hehe~ I'll be doing this from now on!

My thoughts: I've tried serum in the past, as well as, olive oil. Yup, olive oil! All the results seem to be the same, just slight thickness in my lashes. I even tried Yu-Be Moisturizing Cream because I heard it increases the length of your lashes (click here to read my review). For that reason, I didn't have high hopes for this but believe a miracle could happen one day. I did not notice any length in my lashes but I did happen to notice thickness from my before and after picture which I will post towards the end of the review. I give it a thumbs up for the boost of thickness. For length, it's a definitely thumbs down. Then again it said to apply twice a day. I only applied it at nights before I went to sleep. The only reason why I didn't apply in the morning is because my lashes were soaked with the serum. It's hard to curl and apply mascara afterwards. The soaked lashes from the serum weighed my lashes when I curled and applied mascara. I could wait for it to dry but it takes a long time to dry. I'm just impatient. That might be a possibility why it didn't work that well.

It's also time consuming at nights. I already put a lot of products on my skin; cleanse, tone, serum, eye cream, and then moisturize. I don't want to add another step like this. Okay I admit it I'm lazy! Plus I think it's kind of costly unless you got it in a good deal like I did.

* From a brand, L'oreal, I trust especially their HIP line.
* Curved Soft-Touch applicator.
* Thickness of lashes.
* Slight boost.

* From a brand, L'oreal, I don't trust.
* Costly, $12.99.
* Didn't give length.
* Extra step in you night care.

Would repurchase: Maybe.
Rating: [Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg] 3/5 Tobey's Paws

Here's the picture of the applicator. It's a Soft-Touch which is completely comfortable to use. You use it like a mascara then apply it to the top of the lashes so you have serum on the bottom, as well as, on the top.

Now I'm going to post my before and after picture. You can be the judge of my lashes.


Other L'Oreal products reviewed/swatch:
HIP Metallic Shadow Duo
Lash Architect Waterproof

This past week I bought another Revlon ColorBurst lipstick in #040 Soft Rose (click here to see Revlon Colorburst lipstick in Soft Nude).
I kept hearing great things about this color and knowing how easily I'm influenced, I got it. The picture makes the color much prettier in person than it really is or at least I think so. It's much redder in person compared to the rose color in the picture.
For some odd reason, the swatch of the color is sheerer than in person too. :/ Maybe I didn't swatch a lot of color. I don't know... lol~ Anyways, I decided to go return this because it just doesn't look good on me. I cannot pull off bright colored lipsticks. I've been told by close friends bright colored lipsticks are ugly on me!... lol~ I even had a makeup artist say, "How about this color (brings a lighter one)"... lol~

I'm going to end with a picture of Tobey.
I thought this picture was funny! Patrick the doll is on top of Tobey and he doesn't even do anything about it. Tobey is either lazy like his older sister, me, or he likes Patrick on top of him.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. I would love to try this product if it was fast drying and didn't weigh lashes down like you mentioned in your review because I don't have time to wait I'm lazy too lol.

    Tobey is so adorable! I love his shiny coat of hair :D

  2. It really does volumized your lashes! too bad it doesn't lengthen the lashes. aww, what a cute pic of Tobey :D

    btw, believe me i'm not skinny at all. seriously! everyone who knows me won't say that i'm skinny, never will. lol

  3. Hi Ahleessa!

    About your question "When you put the cut tube/products in the zip lock bag, doesn't the product inside spread in the bag?" Well no it doesn't because I make sur both halfs of the tube are standing up (and not laying down).

    I'm curious about this L'Oréal Lash Boosting Serum. I wouldn't buy it with my own money because it's pricey and I'm too skeptical about it, but I've entered some giveaways to win it =P

    Why do you say in the pro that the product is "* From a brand, L'oreal, I trust" but in the cons you say"From a brand, L'oreal, I don't trust." LOL. I don't understand 0=

    I can see the results on your lashes. So that's not really a lengthening serum. L'Oréal is quite unclear in its description of the product!

    The Revlon lipstick looks nice! I still haven't founded my perfect pink though -_-

    Aww Tobey is too cute! My do doesn't mind either when I put something on it (my gerbil, for wample ahah)

  4. Great review, I always want to try these Lash Serums I see advertised but I'm always too scared. I don't want to damage the lashes I already have.

    I'm like you I would never have patience to apply this in the morning and wait for it to dry. I'm always running 5-10mins late already every morning! =)

  5. Haha...I hate it when they put the darn store sticker on the most important part of the packaging. :\ I definitely see a noticeable thickness in your lashes. Very nice. :D You're not alone on the lippie color thing. Bright colors just look wrong on me. *sigh* Soft Nude however I like, especially topped with a nice clear peachy gloss! Oh and Tobey just doesn't care. (Much like my dog...LOL! :X) Makes for a very funny pic...hehe.

  6. This definitely thickens the lashes! But hmmm is it worth an extra step?? I'm still on the fence about this one =)

  7. wow, I saw a HUGE difference, yours is really dramatic, mind took a lot of time to see some effects!

  8. i noticed a difference in your lashes. im just using the ardell lash accelerator..i think it's a pretty decent product.

    i saw the result after a month of using it though not a dramatic difference. but im happy with it.


  9. i do see a difference between the before and after pics. your lashes look thicker and have more volume on the after pic. i probably would try it if there was a sale on it. i've been wanting to try it for a while now. i hear ya though. i'd be too lazy to put this on every night too. dang. with all the steps, who has time for the lash serum one too? i've already missed a few nights of my regimen after washing my face. i've been too tired.

    awww... that's a cute pic of tobey and patrick. he probably must think patrick is a blanket or a pillow. that's probably why he keeps patrick on his back. the doll does look soft and cuddly like a pillow. hehe... :D

    yup. i have been married a long time ago. my marriage lasted for only a year and a half. not very long. it's kinda like the length of how celebrities are married. LOL. this eight years ago. can't believe it's been THAT long ago. hehehe...

    i understand how it's quite hard thinking ahead while jobless. i remember that feeling. it will gradually pass. plus, this time of trial will pass too. you will be at your job once all this passes. you are strong, so you'll make it through. :) yes, you will be okay as time goes on. :D

  10. Oooh, it turned out sheerer in your picture? That's a pity, I'd have loved to see how Soft Rose really looks like.

    Patrick is adorable! How big is he?

    I'm try to leave longer comments for your entries, but you still leave one sentence comments in mine hahaha XD

  11. haha aww tobey is so cute!!

    i've been really curious about this lash serum too! i can see that your lashes looked more volumized, yay!!

    to answer your quesiton about the sunscreens, the eye cream contains Titanium Dioxide as the active sunscreen ingredient, and the face sunscreen contains octinoxate and zinc oxide. so i think you should be safe :)

  12. Wow! That's pretty dedicated to actually manage to stick to it! I have a DHC one, and I have used it about 4 times? Really bad T__T

    And I think they do look thicker! =)

    And Tobey is such a cutie!!!!

  13. omg tobey~! just awesome XD
    from a brand i don't trust...
    you are too awesome :)

    anyway im hungry, and dukbooki is calling my name. we don't have duk sad :(

  14. lol i meant we don't have duk at home :)
    I made spicy chicken tho so it was better than nothing XD

    I don't like my lips cause...I don't have a pronounced cupids bow. which doesn't make lipsticks look that great on me. looks like a little kid playing with her moms lippies just smeared it onto her lips without care. ah poo :(

  15. lol. both your guesses are right. my fingers are small and the ring is HUGE. trying to find rings that actually fit me is a frustrating experience. my fingers are only 4 1/2. i'm glad these cocktail ones are adjustable.

    maybe by the time you finish the lash serum tube, that's when the length will start to show. :) as of now, i see a lot of volume. your lashes are nice and full. i wish it would be half the price though. i don't blame you about being lazy to add another step to your regimen. i haven't used toner for the past couple nights now. i really should again.

    i'm glad you're feeling better now. take it one day at a time. it takes a while for that down feeling to sink in, but in time, results will be great. :)

  16. Interesting.. I was looking into this product as well but my friend said the same thing as you. She said it gave her volume but no length. {*ehhh}
    I have to agree with you though. This product seems pretty good for a drugstore brand.

    Have you ever tried TALIKA? I'm actually using it right now. I didn't take a before and after picture. I probably should have though. =/ Oh well.

    Your dog is adorable! {*HAHA} Very cute photo.

    <3 Serena.

  17. Thanks for the review. I'd love to try these serums but I'm too scared of the potential side effects.

  18. i'm gonna look out for those 40% off sales at CVS. i also love how they have buy one/get one half off. thank you for reminding me about those CVS coupons, btw. they get collected in my wallet and i forget to use them. i feel like kicking myself when i spend a lot without realizing i actually have a $3 coupon in my wallet. grrr...

    me tiny? in height, yeah. in weight, nah. hahaha... i'm pretty average. well, i have been gaining. my mom says so and it bugs me, but i'll do something about it. hehehe...

    about the personal stuff, oh, don't worry about it. i don't mind answering questions at all. thanks for giving me your email address. i will email you very soon. i'll email you from my gmail acct. :) i am very sorry to hear about what you're going through. i will send you email and of course, write here to cheer you up. you take care now. :)

  19. im always wondering if lash products actually work... for me my lashes become stronger when i dont put anything on it!! thanks for the review on it!!

  20. Hi Ahleessa!

    Yes I usually see freebies from US, too, but I'm glad I found a great Canadian website with freebies and coupons. Finally! =D

    I'm not a big fan of L'Oréal neither. None of their products have really grabbed my attention, expect maybe the Color Juice lipglosses, as they are the first lipglosses I've ever tried.

    My dog will be 11 on May 12. He's getting old and it makes me sad )=

  21. thank you so much for the mother's day greeting, ahleessa. :) since you're very motherly and caring to tobey even though you are his big sister, i wish you a happy mother's day as well. :)

    thank you also for the sweet compliments about my son. :) it sure was nice of him to make me some mother's day goodies. i can imagine how much fun he had making them too. he is a sweetheart; although, he has the energy of six kids put together. and yes, he gets into a lot of mischief. hehehe...

    me? i'm about 5'1". probably 5'2" on a good day. hehehe... i used to wish to be 5'4", but i've gotten used to being short. there's always heels. how about you? i'm guessing you're taller than me. :)

    oh yeah, parents can get annoying about weight matters. i wonder when they'll get satisfied.

    btw, i have yet to email you. i will very soon. take care now. :)

  22. yup, i remember you are tobey's big sister. you mentioned it on a previous post. i so happened to be paying close attention. hehehe... i think it was the one with patrick the doll dog in it. :D i gotta pay close attention to details like that. i remember accidentally mistaking my manager's son for her GRANDSON. that was embarrassing. she has forgiven me though. that's coz i saw the boy walking with his big, grown-up brother. i assumed he'd be the dad. turns out her sons come in big age gaps. hehe...

    wow. we're pretty much the same height. you have an inch on me though. whoa. you wanted to be 5'8"? that's pretty tall. kinda like a model's height. hehe... then again, there are some tall people that want to be short. i guess they should give us some of their inches then. we'd all be even. :D

    sent you an email, btw. :D

  23. Nice review! I have this and after using it for awhile with barely any results I stopped and now I use it for my eyebrows instead lol.

  24. Now I'm so interested in trying these masks out. Next time I go to the Korean store I'll have to look for them. Thanks!

  25. ooo this is the product i'm trying out! i'm going to hope for some fullness and darker lashes :D try to follow the regimen every day! i also bought the mascara that's supposed to go with this as well
