
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maybelline EyeStudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in Blackest Black

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I was pretty busy last week, as well as, having blogger issues. I'm still having blogger issues. I'm wondering if any readers out there can help me out... hehe~ I have two issues.

1. The first issue is when I follow someone, there isn't any profile picture which I have on the top left corner. It was there before but not anymore *sigh*. My profile name should also be Ahleessa but it disappeared and now it's aly4realz *sigh*. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?... hehe~
2. It is comment-wise. Whenever I go to my dashboard, it tells me I have certain amount of comments. When I click on it, I have way more. Anyone out there can help me PLEASE? :D Sometimes it tells me I have none when I do have comments. :/

Anyways, I'm going to review the Maybelline EyeStudio Gel Eyeliner. I bought this when I bought one of the EyeStudio palettes (click here to see the post)... hehe~ I think it's time to review this product. ;)

Product Review: Maybelline Lasting Drama by EyeStudio Gel Eyeliner in #950 Blackest Black

Where can you purchase this: any drugstore

Price: $9 something (I got it for cheaper when they had the 40% off and used coupon)

Made in U.S.A.

Direction on the back:
1. DIP tip of brush into gel formula and wipe off excess on rim of jar.
2. GLIDE brush in small strokes across lash line.
3. CONTINUE to build line, until desired intensity is achieved. "After each use, wipe brush clean with dry tissue and close cap tightly.
* Ophthalmologist test, Safe for sensitive eyes, Contact lens safe.

My thoughts: I needed a new cream/gel eyeliner since my L'oreal HIP cream eyeliner dried out (thankfully, I got to use half of it)... hehe~ I read reviews that the Maybelline EyeStudio Gel Eyeliner is the #1 eyeliner in Japan. I don't know if this is true or not, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try. Another reason why this won me over from the reviews is that the brush is pretty good quality. If this doesn't last me, at least I will have a good brush... hehe~ :D My first initial reaction is how tiny the container is (.106 oz) and this must be smaller than the MAC Fluidline. I looked online to find out they're actually the same size... hehe~ Another thing that popped in my head is how similar it seems to MAC Fluidline. Unfortunately, I never own a MAC Fluidline but I got to use that this past weekend when I did a makeover for my friend who needed to attend a wedding. All I could say is this eyeliner is so much like the MAC Fluidline. I think the MAC Fluidline is a little bit creamier but by not much... hehe~ I'm loving this product, as well as the brush at the moment... wheee~ :)

* It's from Maybelline.
* Come with great quality eyeliner brush.
* It's creamy.
* Great staying power after it dries.
* It doesn't look shiny, but matte on the eyes.
* Similarities to MAC Fluidline.

* It's from Maybelline.
* It's only .106 oz.
* Doesn't come in versatile colors (only comes in 4).
* Takes awhile for it to dry.

Would I buy this again? Yes.
Rating: [Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg][Color+Paw.jpg] 4/5 Tobey's Paws

Here's how it looks open. You can see the brush. I like the brush a lot!... hehe~ :)
Here's how the eyeliner looks on my hand.
I waited 5 minutes to let the eyeliner dry. Then I smudged it with my fingers. I think it's pretty decent since I tried to smudge it like crazy... lol~ :D

Other Maybelline products reviewed/swatch:
Lash Stiletto

Of course, I have to show how it looks on my eyes... hehe~ I've been watching Hyun Ah's music video "Changed".
Her thick eyeliner look inspired me to do an inspired look of hers. I'm warning you it's not as good as hers... hehe~

Here's my version of the thick eyeliner look. I am wearing colored contacts, as well as, falsies since she wears those for the video.
Here's how my eyes look semi-closed. I think I did an okay job... hehe~ :X

When I renewed my Sally's Beauty membership in January (click here to read my post), they gave me an extra $5 gift certificate to use in March through e-mail. I didn't know what to get so I ended up getting two China Glaze nail polishes. I couldn't refuse their new collection from Up & Away... hehe~
I got Four Leaf Clover.
I also got Peachy Keen. I can't wait to wear these during the spring. I know it's already spring but it feels like winter to me still... lol~ :X

I mentioned that I was busy last week. My friend had her son's first birthday (dol) this past weekend. Knowing me, I decided to make her son something last minute... lol~ Here's what I made.
It's a monkey. I think it came out cute... hehe~ :) I actually want one for myself... lol~

I'm going to end this post with Tobey.
He fell asleep with his toy rabbit. I thought it was cute!... lol~ :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. OMG Peachy Keen has stolen my heart! Thanks for the Maybelline gel liner reviews too. I've been lemming a purple one for days when I feel a bit adventerous, but I dont want to spend on Fluidline for an occasional use product.

  2. I love that liner! It looks beautiful on you!!

    I just did a review today on one of my EyeStudio palettes, and I really liked it! It has good colour payoff, which is not something you can always say about Maybelline palettes!

    Toby and the monkey are adorable!

  3. I have that peachy keen nail polish too...& can't wait to use it...& aww..u made that monkey?so cute... & your tobey seems to love his rabbit so much...:D

  4. I just saw a advertisement for that eyeliner yesterday and thought I have to try this. Thanks for the review. I like when the cream liners come with brushes, I hate having to buy a special brush just to test out a cream liner. I'm so used to liquid I really want to make a change.

    The monkey you made is too cute!

  5. Sorry I cant help you with the blogger issue, but I just wanted to say that monkey is soo super cute (so is Toby)! Thanks for the review on the eyeliner. I think Ill pick that up next time I catch it on sale at the drugstore.

  6. The monkey you made is just plain GORGEOUS! you're so talented! and the eye makeup is smokin' hot!

  7. Those contacts look sooooo PRETTY on you!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I'm glad you liked it though I don't know what you mean about "it's from Maybelline" :)

    I'll definitely look that up. I know that I'm definitely more interested in the brush than the product! Ha ha sad. But I find that the WnW gel liner is pretty good. I just need a good brush.

  8. Tobey is so cute! Love your winged eyeliner look :) Is it safe for lower lashes, too? I'm glad to hear that the texture is similar to fluidline. I have blacktrack and it doesn't smudge at all.

  9. I have problem #2 as well but I have no clue how to fix it. Annoying. =\ Do you have comments sent to your email box? Wonder if that helps a bit? =)

    On to your review....I am LOL at it being a pro and con that it's Maybelline! XP Wow, you look soo sexy in your EOTDs. And okay, what? You made that?! Holy cow, it looks GOOD. Props.

    Sweet, sweet Tobey.... :)

  10. hahaa i love that "it's from maybelline" is a pro AND a con :P

  11. awww... cute pic of tobey sleeping on the toy rabbit. :) i'm glad he's doing well. :D

    i love the thick eyeliner look on you. your eye looks smokin'. :D awesome review on the maybelline eye studio gel liner too. it's cool how it comes with a brush. the brush looks pretty good too. :)

    the peachy keen nail polish is a pretty color. and while we're on the topic of nail polish, yup, the thickness was the first thing i noticed about seche vite. like one dip of the brush can cover all five nails. i will try the nail polish thinner. sounds like a good idea. the thickness makes it hard to apply at times. i really love how fast it dries though. it's like magic. :)

    yeah... blogger has been quite a weirdo. sorry to hear you're having those issues. i've had issues with the comments too. it said at some point i had two of them. and when i come look, there is none. it took about 40 reloads to actually, finally see the comments. i hope that gets resolved soon. you might want to contact them if those issues continue.

    take care and thanks again for the review. :)

  12. i had the issue #2 as well, but not anymore now. I don't know how it was fixed too. does it happen if you sign in on another PC too?
    the gel liner sounds really great, my sister has it and she says it's pretty good too. I'm using Skinfood gel liner now, and i quite like it.
    the monkey is really cute! you're really good at this :)

  13. I love all these spring-ish polishes! I'm going to visit my Etude House branch soon to get my fix :) I'm so scared to enter though, I'm definitely going to spend a bomb there ahaha

  14. Thanks for the review of the eyeliner. It looks beautiful on you. Love the contacts as well.

    Tobey is so cute!

  15. That eyeliner is available here in the Philippines. A lot of local bloggers are actually raving about it. It looks so pretty on your eyes. I want one for myself too. :)

    Lots of love,

  16. By the way, I noticed how you put "It's from Maybelline" both under Pros and cons. LOL.

    The monkey toy you made is so cute. You really are talented. I don't think I can make a toy as cute as that.

    Lots of love,

  17. as far as contact information in blogger goes, all i found is the help forum too. somewhere on the right, it says mail to blogger (right under "blogging on the go"), maybe that could be a link where you can email blogger personnel. i haven't tried it before, but maybe you can contact someone through that link. i hope it helps. :)

  18. nice review! :)
    Over here we have stages to get your license, first you get your L's which stands for learners by sitting a written test on rules then you practice drive for 120 hours (ugh) and then sit a practical test and hazards test before you get your P's but then there's different stages of P's, it's so lame they've made it all hard cos of the idiots who don't drive properly.


  19. Yeah, I think I'm going to get this Peanuts top I haven't seen at the store...tee hee. You? :)

  20. Hehehe xD that monkey is so cute xD
    Maybelline is coming out with some pretty impressive stuff, however I've boycotted Maybelline after their whole "Asian eyes" thing.
    I've never owned a cream liner! I'm scared that with my oily skin it'll just slide right off haha.
    I am loving that Peachy Keen!

  21. I love that eye look on you! It's so sultry. But thanks for reviewing Maybelline's gel liner. It seems like a lot of beauty co's are jumping on this!

  22. hmm... i wonder where there is a place to get hold of those blogger people. i'm sorry you weren't able to find contact information for them. i tried looking all over in the dashboard, but the closest thing i can think of is the help forum. the way blogger works is sometimes mysterious for me.

    yup, there are various phobias. some probably milder than others. some more unheard of than others too. like that lady who had the fear of the balloons. i couldn't believe it at first, but it turns out one of my friends has a mild case of it too. i'm gonna make sure to keep them away from her. hehe... especially during sales. they sometimes make us tie balloons to an area where we have deals.

    hope you're having a great weekend. i really hope you'll be able to get hold of someone from blogger to resolve what's been going on. take care. :)

  23. hey, ahleessa. i found something in the help forum. if you scroll all the way down, there's a link that says "contacting us." click on it and there are three support options in that page. you either might want to check out the "let us know" link or "post your question." or maybe that link that says "login and access" issues. i hope these will be helpful. :)

  24. aw i know, i wish they would just make it simple! btw i love the toy you made as a present. it's so cute!!!


  25. Girl, I say wear whatever makes you happy :)

  26. hi, ahleessa! that's cool you got a free bad gal mascara from ulta. :) i didn't know they give freebees there. maybe because i don't go there enough to get enough points or something. bad gal is pretty decent. i've got the blue one too. so far, the blue one works out pretty well. no flaking. i have yet to try the plum one. there's even a brown one, but i don't really need it. i like my brown lashblast just fine. :)

    oh no. i'm sorry no one from blogger contacted you back. i really wish i could find a way to solve what's going on in your blog. i did find a link, which is quite similar to the help problem except you're going to submit one out of four options to contact them. the link is right here.

    i hope that helps and i am also hoping you'll get an email back soon. take care. :)

  27. You make it look so easy to do a beautiful eyeliner job! I'm jealous... (^_^) Love the look!

  28. Excellent stitching!!! You are talented.

  29. Although i havent said hi til now, i have been reading your blog and loving it. Maintain up the excellent work! Cheers!

  30. Anonymous: Thank you and I am glad you commented! I love reading comments even people who just read it. :)
