
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Cucumber Kim-chi (oi kim-chi)

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I had a hectic 3 weeks both good and bad (family visit, no internet, computer problems, dad having a minor surgery, etc). I want to believe things will look up... wheee~ One of the things I did last week is make oi kim-chi.

If you need some guidance with the ingredients, you can check my Korean Cooking 101. ;)

sea salt-coarse
2-3 bunch of leeks
6 green onions
1/4 bell red pepper
chopped garlic
1/4 onion
1/2 c. red pepper powder
1/4 c. fish sauce
1 tbsp. sugar

Step 1:

The first thing you want to do is wash your cucumbers. Once it's washed, cut the ends and the size you want the cucumber. Now that you have the size cucumber you want, you need to cut in half. Then cut in half the other way like the picture above.
Make sure you don't cut all the way like the picture above. ;)
After you cut all your cucumbers, toss it into a bowl. You want to soften the cucumber with sea salt. I add water and a lot of sea salt for an hour. You can soften the cucumber with only the sea salt (no water), but do it for 30 minutes only.

After 30 minutes to 1 hour of softening the cucumber, wash it.

Step 2:
Now you need to cut the ingredients; leeks, green onions, garlic, bell red pepper, and onion.
Then add red pepper powder, fish sauce, and sugar.
Now mix your ingredients.

Step 3:
Stuff your washed cucumbers with the ingredients from step 2 and put it into a container with a lid. I usually cover the top with a plastic before I cover the container with a lid. I leave it outside for a day and then put it into the refrigerator. I eat it after it cools for an hour or two.

Step 4:
What do you do with the leftover stuffing? Instead of throwing it away, I make bi-bim bahp. ;) I throw in rice (white rice taste better but my family is into brown rice) and a fried egg. Mix, mix, mix!
I just eat out of the bowl... hehe~ ;)

In my last post (click here for the post), some of you guys asked for swatches of the Benefit Creaseless Cream Shadow/Liner. Here it is...
I did more than that... hehe~ I even compared it to my MAC Paint Pots in Soft Ochre and Painterly. I'm not too sure if anyone asked for the MAC MSF in Petticoat, but I also swatched that too... hehe~ ;)

Speaking of the Benefit Creaseless Shadow/Liner, I found out it's not called Surprise Steals but it's called Sweet Steals. My apologize!!! :X

Kay organized Secret Santa this year and I decided to join. I got my gift from my Secret Santa about a little more than 2 week ago I think (I can't remember the exact date)... hehe~ :X
She kept herself secret so I had to guess who she was... hehe~ It wasn't hard to figure that out since the package came from Australia. I went through the list of bloggers who joined and there was only one person from Australia... hehe~ My Secret Santa was Akisa.
She sent me a lip balm from Lanolips. She told me it's only exclusive in Australia... woo hoo~
She also sent a mask from My Beauty Diary in Black Pearl. This is my first mask from My Beauty Diary so I'm excited to use it. I keep hearing good stuff about My Beauty Diary... wheee~

Thank you Akisa! :)

I'm going to end this post with my creation... wheee~ I finished my animal bags for my nieces. It's they're Christmas gifts this year. I made a bunny bag (click here for the post) which I posted about it, as well as, a pig bag (click here for the post). Now I'm going to post the last two animal bags.
This cow bag took forever to make. I doubt I'll make this bag again... hehe~ :X
The last one I made is the dog bag.
Here's all the animal bags together; bunny, dog, pig, and cow. Don't they look cute together?... wheee~ I don't know which niece is going to get which animal. :/ It'll be an adventure to find out... hehe~ :X

My last creation is *drum roll*...
You have candy canes, Hershey's chocolate, and Santa chocolate. What can you make with these *continue drum roll*?

Santa riding his sled... wheee~ I'm going to give these to the students I tutor at this after school place. I hope they like it! :)


  1. Yummy! I think I wanna make bi-bim bahp only. I think I saw Song Hye Kyo eating this in Full House haha~

    Eeeep, everyone included a card! Except for me *ooops*

    I like Ms Bunny and Mr Dog the most! And it's so creative of you to make a sleigh out of those candy!!!

  2. Oi-Kimchi!!!! I really love oi-kimchi, I need to try this recipe!!!!

    Thanks for joining the SS!!

  3. that looks really delicious! i love korean food but can't cook.

  4. I love your cute animal bags. Do you have a shop/etsy shop? If you did, I would buy one for my nieces (or myself :P).

    I love the Santa and candies idea. I'm in school to be a teacher, I will def. think of this around the holidays to give to my future students...I love your blog :)

  5. OMG ..looks so yummy , thanks for this recipe^^
    Nice stuff u got from Akisa,lovely creations u made.

  6. hope you liked the lip balm~ I'm nearly running out of mine already -__-

  7. You are super Talented. You can sell those bags!!! I too love to crochet, you are gifted at it.

  8. You are super Talented. You can sell those bags!!! I too love to crochet, you are gifted at it.
