
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Dewytree Help Mask Snail Vitalizing

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

In March 2023, I found some masks at TJ Maxx.
Here are the products I bought. For this post, I will review the mask on the left from Dewytree.
Product Review: Dewytree Help Mask Snail Vitalizing

Where to purchase: online at
Price: for 10 sheet masks/ 25 g each

Made in Korea

Click on the picture to see the original size.
Thoughts: When I saw snail, I needed to get it. For some reason, snail products work well on me or at least I think so. Not only that, I know about this brand.
Here's a closer look at the packaging.
Here's a closer look at the sheet mask.
Here's how the mask looks on me.

Now for my overall opinion... First of all, there's a slight scent while using. I smelled it for a few seconds and it was gone. Since it was so light, I could not distinguish the smell. It just was on the floral side. I just sniffed the product and there's no scent whatsoever. Now I am wondering what I smelled for a few seconds. Secondly, the packaging is cute. The cartoon character is adorable and the colors stand out. With that said, it's well-made and sturdy. It's made out of foil-like packaging. I cannot see it open or break unless you are rough with the packaging. For this reason, it's travel-friendly. It's easy to throw in your purse and bag. The dimension of the mask is alright. The length is long enough. It came to my chin but the forehead is another story. It did not cover the hair line especially the sides. It was bare. I rather cover everything than not cover anything. The width fit my wide face. If you have wider face than me, this might not be for you. The cut around the eyes and mouth was good. It fit me perfectly. The dimension of the nose is weird. It did not even get close to the tip and it is cut horizontally. There's so much space at the tip of the nose and I do not have a long nose to start with. Other than that, the thickness of the mass is in-between medium to thick. I did not need to worry about ripping while unfolding. Third, there's extra leftover essence in the packaging. I used it on the neck and chest. With that said, it's easy to use. After cleansing and toning, I would mask for 30 minutes. The description says to mask for 10-20 minutes. I am used to masking for 30. It's an easy number to remember. After taking the mask off, my face looked hydrated. I did not see any brightness or a miracle worker. It just felt like a mask that hydrated the skin. With hydration, the wrinkles diminishes. I noticed less fine and thick lines. Lastly, my skin looked good the next morning. Of course, it wasn't like when I removed the mask. I just need to get better with skin care routine. I try to mask twice a week but I get lazy at times. I am glad I got this product. I wouldn't say it's the best mask I have ever tried. I think it's better for people in their twenties. If you are thirty or older, you will need something stronger.

* No scent whatsoever.
* Cute packaging and it stands out.
* Well-made and sturdy packaging.
* Travel-friendly.
* The length of the mask came to my chin.
* The width fit my wide face.
* Cut around the eyes and mouth was good.
* In-between medium to thick thickness; did not need to worry about ripping while unfolding.
* Leftover essence in the packaging; used on neck and chest.
* Easy to use.
* Hydrating.
* Diminishes fine and thick lines.
* Skin looked good the next morning.
* Great for people in their twenties.

* Hard to find online.
* Did not cover the hairline and the sides were bare.
* The tip of the nose was extremely bare.

Would repurchase: Maybe.
Rating:  3.5/5 Tobey's Paws

Other Bath & Body Works products reviewed/swatch:

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

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