
Friday, July 22, 2022

Tangle Teezer The Ultimate Styler in Millennial Pink

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

I was fortunate to receive some products from Tangle Teezer thanks to Influenster.
Here are the products I got. For this post, I will review the brush on the right.
This is Tangle Teezer The Ultimate Styler in Millennial Pink. Since I did a thorough review of Tangle Teezer The Original in Plum Delicious, I will base this on that.
Here's a closer look at the brush.
Here's how the back looks.
Here's a closer look at the bristles.
Here's a closer look of the side of the bristles.

Now for my overall opinion... First of all, I like the shape of the brush. It's flat, handle is a decent size to grasp, and the shape around the bristles is round-ish. I'm not too sure why there's a split in the middle of the bristles. It's definitely unique to me. I also noticed one row is longer than the next then it gets shorter. It repeats from long again. With that said, I am not too keen on the color. Now that I am looking on the website, they have four different colors. I wouldn't mind the Jet Black. I tend to like simple, basic colors. I'm not a pink type of girl. Also, it feels real plasticky. When I initially took it out of the box, there was a split from the top to the bottom. I had to snap it shut and it hasn't unsnap since. That's where I felt the plastic. Secondly, now that I have been looking on the website. I might have been using this brush wrong. The website recommends using on dry hair, as well as, to style your hair. I used it whenever I needed to brush my hair. Most of the time was right out of the shower when my hair was wet. I used it to brush and untangle my hair. I hardly style my hair, as well as, I have super duper straight hair. Just brushing with my fingers would be enough. I guess I would be the worst person to review this brush. With that said, it did untangle my hair after washing. The bristles were too rough on the scalp. I can feel it and it felt like it was scratching my skin. Now it makes sense why you use this brush dry. Lastly, my hair looked smooth and soft the next day. I am glad I got this product. Also, I am glad I reviewed this product. Now I know I have been using it wrong and how to correctly use it.

Would repurchase: Yes.
Rating:  4/5 Tobey's Paws

Other Tangle Teezer products reviewed/swatch:
The Original

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

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