
Monday, September 5, 2011

Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator and Giveaway

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone is having a great three day weekend. :)

Aveeno was kind enough to send me the newest product, Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator.
I used it for some time now and think it's a great time to review this product.
Product Review: Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator

Where can you purchase this: drugstore, mass retailer, and online at
Price: $14.99 for 0.5 fl oz./ 15 mL

Made in Canada

Description on the back: Dark circles and dryness around the eyes are key factors that affect your natural radiance. Aveeno Positively Radiant Eye Illuminator contains an exclusive combination of Active Naturals Total Soy Complex boosted with tone-evening vitamin B3 and light-diffusing technology to rejuvenate your natural radiance and help you look fresh and luminous.
My thoughts: When I first received this, I was excited. I need all the help I can get to improve my dark circles and wrinkles. Also was excited because Aveeno is a trusted brand of mine. Having a product of a mixture of both was nice! The first thing I noticed about the product is how cute the color of the packaging is, as well as, how unique the shape is.
The next thing I did is smell the product. It's a ritual with me. :X It's hard to explain the smell, but it's floral. The first thing it reminded me was the smell of a floral liquid hand soap. It's a decent smell and I actually liked it a lot! The smell disappears within a minute or two after applying it.

Before I talk about the brush, I need to explain how to use the product.
Here's the instruction how to use the product. You squeeze the product out of the tube onto the brush. Then you can apply the brush onto the desired spot.

Now I can talk about the brush which I had mixed feelings on. I think it's cool there's a brush.
It's soft and gentle to the skin. It's a pretty decent brush. The hairs do not spread out after you use it.
When you squeeze the product and I have noticed this with a lot of products with brushes. They squeeze out to one side of the brush instead overall. I am not too sure why. :/ The thing is you need to be careful how you squeeze the product, because you can squeeze out too much which can be a waste. I don't know if you can see in the picture, but I tried to show where the product squeezed out from. The bad thing about the product and it can be my anti self isn't the most sanitary. After the first usage and using the brush on your skin, the brush will get moisture from the product. As times goes on, it can build bacteria. You can clean your brush in a weekly basis, but would most people do that? I don't know. :/ Just a mixed feeling about this product. Even with that knowledge, I still use it. :X

Since I've been using this for two weeks, I noticed a slight improvement. I feel that my wrinkles on my inner, bottom eyes has gotten better. When it comes to puffiness, I cannot say since I don't have puffiness. The darker circle has gotten better as well. Overall, I'm happy with the two weeks progress.

* Aveeno; a trusted brand.
* Cute packaging and color.
* Good brush.
* Floral smell; it smells nice.
* Noticed slight improvements on the wrinkles.
* Noticed slight improvements on the dark circles.

* Comes with a brush; not the most sanitary safe.
* The product is squeeze onto one side of the brush.
* You can squeeze too much.

Would I repurchase: Yes.
Rating:  4/5 Tobey's Paws

Not only am I the lucky one, but Aveeno was kind enough to offer one for my readers. How nice of them! :) Here's the information and how to enter.

How to enter:
1. You must be a public follower of my blog with a Google username (I will check). PLEASE do not just follow for the giveaway and then once the giveaway is over, stop following. It's just not polite!!!
2. Open only for people living in the U.S.
3. You must be 18 years or older. If you're younger than 18, please get your parent's permission.
4. The giveaway will end in three weeks, September 25, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. PST (Pacific time).
5. The winner will be draw with a random number generator. You have 48 hours to contact me at aly_4realz (at) hotmail (dot) com or else a new winner will be chosen.

Questions and extra entries:
1.You must give me the Google Username that you are using to follow my blog.
2. You must be living within U.S.
3. If you follow my Facebook page, give me the username you are using to follow. (+2)
4. If you follow my Twitter, give me the username you are using to follow. (+1)
5. If you follow my Twitter and re-tweeted the giveaway, give me the link. (+2).
6. If you added the giveaway on the side bar of your blog, give me the link. (+1).
7. If you added a post but is on a separate giveaway page, give me the link. (+1)
8. If you added a post and is on the main page, give me the link. (+3)

Thank you Aveeno for the product and the giveaway!!! :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are given to me to review. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girlie ^_^ I'm curious if it will be good for puffiness. It's worth trying since most places are good with refunds. I get the puffiness due to certain weathers but at that price I wanna try :D
