
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Too Faced Summer Trend 2011 Event Part 1

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

This past Tuesday, March 29th, I was fortunate enough to attend the Too Faced Summer Trend 2011. We met in front of the Wax Museum in Hollywood.

We got into our party bus, a white Cadillac Extended Stretch, and drove to the Too Faced Cosmetics company in Irvine, California. I took this picture as we were leaving the company since I didn't have a chance to take it in the beginning.
As soon as we arrived at the company, you see a bright pink logo. It really matches with the theme of the cosmetics.
As you enter the company, you see a pink and black theme. It's so feminine and lovely inside! I couldn't help but feel giddy inside. I felt like a child who's at Disneyland just admiring the scenery.
Not only the scenery, but makeup heaven. Look at all that makeup!!!
In the center of the room, they set a table for us bloggers to sit.
At each seat, they prepared a folder with information (I will take pictures of each as I go more into them), notepad, pen, and a name tag. I deleted my last name. ;)
Not only that, they had Sprinkles. I've heard so much about Sprinkles. I was really excited to finally try it!!! :)
Here's a picture of my Sprinkles and lemonade. Isn't the cup cute with the ribbon!?!?
After we got comfortable and seated in our seats, the co-founder and creative director Jerrod Blandino introduced himself. He's one character for sure! I love his honesty. :)
Here's the information "Behind The Brand." You should really click on the picture to see the original size and read it. It's pretty interesting how Too Faced started. I also apologize for not taking the greatest picture. I tried to take it quickly so I can post it. :X
Here's the concept of Too Faced, "Feminine, Flirtatious, Fabulous." I also recommend clicking on the picture to see the original size. ;)

After introducing Jerrod Blandino, the director of artistry/miracle worker Kalina Fernandez went over the Summer 2011 Trend. She said it's all about bronzers!!! I will go into the products more for Part 2. ;)

Then we got a chance to see/test out all the products for Summer 2011, as well as, get a make over.
Here's a sneak peek of one of the products, Too Faced Size Queen Mascara. The wand is huge!!! I'm sure you cannot tell but if you saw it in person, you would be blown away. I know I was!
They gave us a swag bag of the Summer 2011 collection.
Here's all the products from the collection. I will go more into them for Part 2.

Thank you Too Faced for this wonderful event!!! :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are given to me. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. OMG You are very lucky to have been able to attend this event! I love Too Faced! Your goodie bag looks awesome (=

  2. You are so lucky, and they were lucky to have you there too. (Smiles) The sprinkles reminded me of something, lol.

  3. yumm, the cupcakes look so good! and wow that's so cool you got the whole summer collection :)

  4. OMG! HOW FUN! So glad you had a good time. Can't wait for part 2!

  5. Wow, you're always attending such awesome events! I didn't know they were based in Irvine. <3 the pink and black packaging =D

    (I buy EltaMD online. Unfortunately I haven't seen it in any store. I included a link to the online store in my post :)

  6. Hehe...since you say the real thing is fake, is it safe to say you *don't* believe in ghosts?

    For the first video, look closely at the top of the stairs. You will see a shadowy figure in the middle who then walks to the right of the screen.

    What did you think of the second and third videos?

  7. This event looks like so much fun! The cupcakes look sooo good too! haha and look at all that makeup! Too Faced is one of my go to brands. =] By the way, if you have the time, please enter my giveaway!

  8. Oh wow! O_O I wish Too Faced (or any makeup company) would host events like that in Australia! That's amazing, I can't wait to read Part 2 :)
