
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beautylish Spring Trend 2011 Event

This past Tuesday, March 22nd, I went to another Beautylish Event. The last time it was held at Los Angles, the hotel next to Staples Center. This time it was held at the W Hotel in Westwood. Tammy from Lazy Beautiful and I went together. We ended up meeting Amy from AmyNaree in the elevator. The first thing we did was go for the food. I think all of us were hungry! :P
Unfortunately, I was so busy getting food I forgot to take a picture of the cheese and crackers. I did take pictures of the cupcakes. Isn't the purple flower gorgeous?
Here's a close-up picture of the cupcakes. The chocolate one was good! I had two of them. Amy said the vanilla one was good too, but I decided to stick with my chocolate. :P
Then we got the specialty drink, Beautylish. It's actually my second time having it. I had the first one at the Los Angeles event where Victoria recommended it. I still remember that. :)

After eating and mingling with people, Tammy and Amy wanted another drink. That's where we met Dorothy, Omar, and Chaz Dean (the creator of WEN products). He's a well known hairstylist and colorist who came out with his own line without harsh chemicals and detergent.
We took pictures with Chaz. Yes, I starred my face. :P From left to right, Amy, Chaz Dean, myself, Tammy, and Victoria from Beautylish.

Then we went inside to get our hair and makeup done.
The three sponsors who did the hair and makeup were hourglass (lips), Clinique (eye makeup), and Pureology (hair). While we were waiting to get our hair done, that's where we ran into Diana from PaperDollRevenge.
Here's a picture of them after they got their hair done. They all got their hair tied in the back. I thought they all looked great! :)

After our hair, we went to the Clinique section to get our makeup done.
I'm not too sure whose hand that is on the left. :/ Anyways, they did an amazing job!
Here are the people who worked for the Clinique. Loey (probably spelling his name wrong), the guy in the middle, did my makeup. I got a lot of compliments afterwards. :)
Here's an open eye picture of my eye makeup. I try to get the closed eye but it was out of focus.

It was an exciting event and I had a blast! I had great companies; Tammy, Amy, and Diana. As well as, met wonderful people. If that wasn't enough, we came home with a swag bag full of tons of goodies!!!
The bag was huge and heavy!
This was all in the bag. We got stuff from Physicians Formula, Clinique, Pureology, WEN, Urban Decay, and so on. It doesn't stop. I will eventually get to them in the future posts with thorough reviews. :) Beautylish even gave us stuff. How sweet of them! They gave us a t-shirt; the gray rolled up on the right in the picture.
They also gave us a thumb drive for the computer. On the bottle half of the paper are the sponsors.
Here's a close-up of the cute thumb drive.

Thank you Beautylish for hosting a great event!!! :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post sponsored the Beautylish event. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. oh darn, i forgot to take a pic of that thumb drive, i didn't even know what it was until i saw your post lol!

    i should of tried the chocolate cupcakes, darnit!

  2. Looks like you had a great time! Everyone looks so pretty. Including you even though all I can see are your gorgeous hair and eyes. :)

    (My skin's been getting a little flaky too. This weather isn't helping)

  3. wow!! great event.
    and the goodies are really great!!

  4. I want to get some jeans so I hope to find a pair I like. :) Hehe...yes. But don't you mean your star face since you have a pretty yellow star over it? ;)

  5. That looks like so much fun. Those cupcakes look delish!

  6. so many new stuff in the goodie bag :D can't wait for your reviews on each of them!

  7. ryc: yes the pendant was kinda heavy LOL i should point that out! The cupcakes in the beautylish event looks yummy :D you should have eaten more, haha

  8. Really interesting and fun event! How do you get an invitation to this? Do you have to be involved in the Beautylish forum?

  9. Those cupcakes did look good.

  10. Hope you had a good weekend too! I saw your pic with the cute heart on Amy's blog too. :)

  11. I never had the iPad 1 so I can't speak from personal experience. =( I do know however that the iPad 2 is thinner and lighter, has a faster processor, has front and back cameras, and FaceTime. =)

  12. ShopAtSpicywedding: I went to your website and it was an etsy store. I wasn't too sure to comment there or not, therefore, I'm commenting here. I hope that's okay.

    The last time they mentioned the event a lot on twitter. This time around I didn't know about it until the day before the event. They didn't mention it on twitter at all. I found out through another person's twitter. I think it's not known. More like word of mouth. :/

  13. the event looked totally awesome! You shouldnt have PSed your face, I bet you looked gorgeous as the other ladies! Diana is looking very pretty there too! Great to see you had fun :)

  14. ShopAtSpicywedding: I think a lot of the events are through word of mouth unless you have a really popular blog unlike mine... hehe~

    You're welcome! :)

  15. Looks like a fun event...but why is your face starred?!!

  16. a: It was a fun event! I'm just thankful to have met wonderful people and become close. :)

    I starred my face, because it's not a pretty sight. Plus I like to stay a little anonymous on the internet. :)

  17. aw you have a pretty face! I saw your picture on beautylish's blog.

    anyways, it looks like you had a great time!

  18. Anonymous: Thank you for a wonderful compliment on my face! :) I wish I felt that way... hehe~

    I had a blast the first time I attended, as well as, this one.
