
Monday, February 21, 2011

Stickers for My Blog

I got contacted by BuildASign. For the people who don't know BuildASign, they are an e-commerce that makes signs from banners to flags using innovative technology. They customize to the customers' expectation of what they what from their design. Once the customers create their design, BuildASign produces the product within minutes.

They gave me an opportunity to choose anything from their website. I wanted something small to advertise my blog. Once I decided on the 4x4 bumper stickers, I had the hardest time deciding on a design. After getting an idea, they gave me an opportunity to design more than one... wheee~ How nice of them! :)
I decided on three designs and came up with these. When I received these in the mail, OMG they're amazing! The quality of these bumper stickers are excellent!!! They exceeded my expectations. :)
This is my first design. Yes, I used my own pictures for the bumper stickers. What better way to advertise my own blog with my own pictures! :) The middle picture, my eye, is my profile picture at the moment. The first design is also on the sidebar on the right.
Here's my second design.
My last design.

The quality of these bumper stickers are amazing! They are very professional and I definitely recommend these. Even though they're bumper stickers, it doesn't mean it's only for the bumper of your car. You can use these on any other things. ;)

They're having a promotion on BuildASign for 10% off on all products. Use promo code: WISECUPID2 until March 6, 2010.1

Thank you BuildASign!!! :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are given to me from BuildASign. I am not affiliated with this company nor getting paid to advertise these products. The post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Ooh, I love the designs you chose! What a cool way to advertise your blog. Are you going to put it on your car?

    (Hehe...hope your weekend was good too :)

  2. hehe. Those are aweseome! Bring them to the show! =)

  3. those are so nice! i love the second and last one xD

  4. Hi Ahleessa, i'm so embarrassed, my apologies!! I totally mis-read hahaha!! I thought she didn't look 100% like Kim Kadsh! doh!

    These bumper stickers are really amazing, i'm going to check out if they ship to the UK so i can use them for my jewellery website! Thanks for sharing!

  5. your blog stickers are so cute!

    haha yea i jumped on the crack wagon and i'm not addicted to crack polishes :) i haven't tried the china glaze ones yet but i have seen it in stores, i just can't decided which crack color to pick up?

  6. That's pretty cool - it seems like a good way to advertise your blog locally :)

    Btw I tagged you for an award :D

  7. Very cool, they look great and you deserved something nice like this to happen for you. Blessings.

  8. these stickers are so cool! am thinking of getting some business cards for my blogs =_= like, i saw some bloggers exchanging cards with others in those blogger events.

    love the first design btw =)

  9. Lol but it seems the US and Asia always have more cool brands than us here! Barry M is great, and it's so affordable! Let me know if you want any products from the UK, i can always help you buy some or so a package swap or something :) xX

  10. These are so cute! I love your designs, simply brilliant. I especially love the third :D

  11. the hair mask is like a conditioner really :) i mean at least the procedures are the same. But a hair mask can't be used everyday lol

    i could see the use of business cards for blogs, but i need ''that many'' blogger events to attend first, which i don't , lol!!

  12. Dry scalp? hmm idk how to help :X perhaps use shampoo with a thicker consistency of wax?? like LUX SuperRich I heard.

    awww i only got invited once, and i signed up for it I can't say I got invited really..
