
Monday, December 6, 2010

Cosline Inside Refrigerator Ice Mask in Green Tea

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post is bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.

I apologize for not being good with blogging the last two weeks!!! The first week, Thanksgiving, I had family over. Last week (still this week for me while I type... hehe~), things came upon that I had to handle. Sorry!

I bought this sheet mask, Cosline Inside Refrigerator Ice Mask, from the Korean Festival I attended in October. I tried it last month but I didn't have a chance to review it on my blog. I always say it's better late than never... hehe~ ;)

Product Review: Cosline Inside Refrigerator Ice Mask in Green Tea

Where can you purchase this: I bought mine from a booth at the Korean Festival. I am in search for these! If you know where to get it, PLEASE tell me... hehe~
Price: $2

Made in Korea

Description on the back: It is "magic cooling system" of cooling mask sheet manufactured instant refrigerant function. Contained green tea, herb mint, LS 8865 etc. It will give tension to the lengthening skin also tighten pore perfectly.
It's written in Korean... lol~ I thought it'll be nice to see the back of the packaging. :P

My thoughts: First of all, I apologize for the extremely bad English!... hehe~ Whenever they translate Korean to English, they try to translate word by word instead of the meaning of the sentence. :/ Now back to my review... hehe~ I'm always in search for new sheet masks. I am a newbie compared to a lot of beauty bloggers. It's all good because I am learning!... wheee~ For that reason, I don't own many. I am going to be really honest... hehe~ I've had the same results with all the sheet masks I have tried. I really don't know which ones are mediocre or really great. :X All the masks I have tried gave me plumpness that night and the following morning. Other than that, I don't know what I am suppose to look for. :/ PLEASE tell me!... hehe~

So on the day of the Korean Festival, I wanted to buy some more since I was in need of some more masks. I probably have less than 10 even at the moment... hehe~ While I was searching through the masks, the young lady who works at the booth was recommending Ice Mask to this older lady customer. She said it is a lot better than the $1 sheet masks and it's really good for aging skin. Yes, I am one of those girls who listen to other people's conversation. I know it's bad but I would like to know what is good or not... hehe~ :X That sold me!... wheee~

Now I know why this masks cost more than the $1 ones. I have to say this is one of the best sheet masks I have tried!!! The plumpness not only lasted that night and the following morning, but I saw it almost the whole week. Since I have dry skin and I hate to admit this, I have some wrinkles around my eyes! :( Most sheet masks I see it gone for a day and then it comes back. The Ice Mask I saw it gone for a whole week and even the pores on my nose, I have huge ones that foundation creeps in, was smaller. The results was amazing!!! :) Now I can't seem to find this anywhere... lol~

Anyways, you are probably and I know I was the day I bought it wondering how is it ice mask. The young lady at the booth told me to put it in the refrigerator and then try it afterwards. That's how I used it, but my sister-in-law read the back of the instruction and no you don't have to use it that way... hehe~ Basically in the front there's a circle with the word "PUSH," you push that and you should hear a crack. Once it cracks, you shake the packaging for 3 minutes. It's suppose to melt the ice inside the packaging.
I don't know if you see it but inside the packaging there's a clear plastic wrap with ice inside it. I still have the open packaged and there's ice still. :/ The sheet is the same with all sheet masks; you unfold and put it on your face. It really makes sense you want to put coldness on your face to decrease the pores. The warmth, shower, opens the pores and cold decreases it... hehe~

* The packaging is unique and adorable; love the blue.
* The results are great!
* Plumpness for about a week.
* Minimize the wrinkles for about a week.
* Decrease in pores; tightness.
* It warms up to your skin pretty quick.

* Hard to find unless you're in Korea.
* The sheet masks can be cold in the beginning especially during the winter weather.

Would I buy this again: Yes, yes, yes!!! If only I could find it... hehe~
Rating:  5/5 Tobey's Paws

Couple of weeks ago, my friend and I bought some more NYX lip products... hehe~ We both got the round lipglosses. I got two.
The first one is #28 Whipped.
The second one is #34 Real Nude.
Here are the swatches of the lipglosses. The left one is Whipped and the right one is Real Nude. I own three other lipglosses from the round collection. You should check out the swatches... hehe~

Finished Products
Beauty Secrets Acetone Nail Polish Remover

I bought this from Sally Beauty, and it lasted about a year I think or a little longer. I remember buying this to put it in a nail polish container I received in a swap. Thank you Miracle! The container is getting good use... hehe~ :) After I finished this product, I bought the exact same one... hehe~ You know what I think of this. ;)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post is bought with my money. I am not affiliated with the companies nor getting paid to advertise the products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Hee hee...I use the same polish remover. Cheap and it! I think I only finished up one item too...hehe. Love the lippie swatches =D And why oh why does that awesome mask have to be so hard to find? It sounds amazing!

    (By scenery, do you mean the decorations inside the casinos? From what I see, it seems to be seasonally)

  2. whoa. never heard of an ice mask before. sounds like a neat and promising product. i do remember one of my uncles telling me that rubbing ice on the face would soothe pimples. i just don't remember it working for that purpose, but the ice sure did feel good to rub on the face. hahaha... thanks for mentioning how the coldness of the ice decreases pores. otherwise, i would've been left in the dark to see what ice or coldness does to the face. i am still learning after all. hehe... :D

    ahh... don't worry, i tend to overhear other people's conversations too. let's say we're just very inquisitive. plus, we learn through being inquisitive too. haha... :D

    i love the blue nails, btw. what a coincidence. mine are blue too. :D

  3. those are pretty swatches! Congrats on your empty product!! :)

  4. the mask sounds nice! i wanna know where to get it too :)

  5. Glad you're back Alyssa! I have some things from Cosline but haven't tried them yet. The instructions are interesting and I never had to shake a mask before, sounds cool! Both glosses are pretty, thanks for the swatches.

    I got the nail polish remover too! ^^

    Btw, are you watching the Secret Garden drama?

  6. aww the tobey's paws part is so cute ^_^

  7. Haha...not monthly. More like every other month or so. ;) I suck at reviews, remember? LOL. Oh and six years ago.

  8. hahaha... consider that a beauty blogger first. a picture with shoes switched around. lol. thanks for catching that one. i did not notice at all until you told me. haha... i was thinking to take a whole new pic of that pair, but i'll just leave it up like that. too lazy. i must've been so excited to take a pic of them. lol.

    oh yeah, i got one of those $15 gift certificates too. hey. do you know when it expires? i forgot. i also have this coupon from ulta. i got it when i went shopping there the other day. i'm thinking of bugging someone to go with me or i might have to just get something online. have you ordered anything from them before? the coupon i have expires on the 11th. grr... why such a short time? LOL.

    that must've been cool to play the game on FB and win a tokidoki bag. i wasn't aware there was a game going around there either. lol.

    it sure is hard keeping away from buying new blushes. cargo actually has some pretty decent blushes too. finely milled as well. i don't know if they compare to R&R because i have never seen R&R blushes in real life. i do like the texture and pigmentation though. :)

    hey, at least you blended your liner with your lipstick. i used to see a lot of clown-like chicks parade around my school with that kinda lipstick. being quite sucker for keeping up with SOME trends, i was going to do it. luckily i ended up not doing it. i had a feeling i wouldn't rock it anyway. lol. :P :D

  9. hehe I got those 2 NYX gloss too. I heart NYX :D and it's too bad that the product is hard to find ie only typically in korea

  10. I've never heard of this ice mask concept! Sounds really interesting and wow, the result lasts for one week, that's pretty impressive since most of the masks I've tried are only effective for one night!

  11. Haha... You sure are observant. You are pretty much the only person who caught that. Even I didn't notice it either. Hahaha...

    About the game on FB, did that expire already? I was hoping I could play, but oh, well... I'll just go ahead and use the $15 gift certificate. That's deal enough for me right there. I'm aiming for that MUFE foundation we were talking about. :D

    I thought you wanted more blushes. J/K. Hehehe... We can never have enough blushes after all. Let me rephrase that. We can never have enough makeup after all. :D

    I gotta go check out those Hard Candy cream blushes you were talking about. Sounds like a neat product. With it being double-ended, looks like it would be great to take everywhere too. That way you get two colors in one without really needing a brush. (I usually use fingers or wedge-sponges to blend out cream blush. Brush works pretty good too, but I get paranoid about losing them while traveling. LOL.) :D

  12. Wow, really? Never heard of that. Well the last time I checked, I haven't popped out any kids. =P

  13. thanks for your very sweet comment :)

    Ohh Sasa sell Cosline masks!! I was never sure whether they were good or not.. if i have the chance I will look into it. The NYX lip gloss look so pretty, it's a shame they are so expensive in Japan!! >_<

  14. Haha... Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone else noticed the shoe switch-a-roo there. I'm glad you caught it and actually told me. I know I won't be pulling that off in the future. Hahaha... Don't want everyone to think I wear my shoes that way or I'm senile. Well, I really am senile anyway. LOL.

    Glad the double-ended cream blush stick is working out for you. I heard mixed reviews about it. I guess it's probably not for oily skin. Someone complained it was greasy on them. I might try it out. I don't have oily skin, so that might be okay for me too. :D The colors do look pretty when I saw them on Youtube. :D

    Blending out cream blush with hand is a lot easier than with a brush. Well, if it's in a compact, I dab the color with a brush. Once it's on my face, I just blend with my fingers. It distributes color evenly that way. :)

  15. the nail polish remover bottle looks huge hahaha great job on finishing it! Speaking of which i should do my nails, hahahahaha!

    btw i'm really thinking of making kimchi at reckon that's too much of a trouble? should i go buy the instant ones instead?? lol

  16. ohmigosh! I love the Beauty Secret Acetone remover, too! I go through the 16 oz. bottle so fast that I just bought the 32 oz. one! Lol!
