
Thursday, November 11, 2010

CSN Stores Product Review, Tobey's Birthday, and Hello Kitty

Don't forget to enter the $100 Gift Certificate Giveaway to CSN Stores! It ends 11/21/10 at 11:59 PST.

Speaking of CSN Stores and being a Preferred Blogger, I had a post long time ago about an upcoming product review. The post was written in July. At that time, I really wanted this Hello Kitty bag but it was out of stock. I waited month after month, and they never restocked. :/ Since the code ends in December and knowing people will start buying for Christmas, I just ordered... lol~ I wanted to get things before it's sold out. :P I wasn't too sure what to order until I saw this!
I never knew such a thing existed!... lol~ I thought it'll be perfect for Tobey! Whenever he sleeps outside, he just lays on the cement. I heard from people at the dog park it's not good for their bones especially when they get older. They will get arthritis! :( Since Tobey isn't getting younger, I decided to get this for our backyard.

Can I tell you how amazing the shipment is!?!? I order on Sunday and it arrived on Tuesday... woo hoo~
Here's how the box looked. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of the parts of the pet bed. I had to go tutor a student, and my dad assembled the parts while I was gone... lol~
Here's how the pet bed looks when it's assembled. I tried to take a picture of the pet bed without Tobey, but he's a picture hog... lol~ :P
Here's how Tobey looks laying on the bed. Can I tell you he only laid on this bed only for the picture! :/ After the picture, he didn't touch the bed once... wahhh~ What a punk!... lol~ :P

This is such a good bed! The material is well-made that is suppose to last a life time, as well as, you can hose down to clean the fabric. I can't see this getting ruined any time soon!... yippie~ The only thing is I wish the corners were fold-able so you can carry this thing with you... hehe~ It's not fun carrying this thing around the backyard so Tobey can lay on it. :P

Thank you CSN Stores for sending this product so I can review it!

Speaking of Tobey, it was his 11th birthday this past Sunday! Yes, I know he's getting old but he still acts like a puppy... hehe~ :)
Here's Tobey with my birthday gift.
I gave him a squeaky, blue octopus. It's so cute how he only chews on the head!... lol~ :X

Here's a video of him opening my birthday gift to him!!! You have to see what a crack up he is... hehe~ ;)
Not only that, but his niece and nephew bought him a birthday gift as well! :) He got spoiled that day... hehe~

I'm going to end with a Hello Kitty key cap I got about couple of weeks ago... hehe~
You wouldn't guess where I got it!... hehe~ Out of all places, I got this from a Forever21 store... wheee~ I think it's really adorable. :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except for the pet bed, and Tobey's birthday gift from his niece and nephew. The pet bed was a product review for CSN Stores. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Aw I'm glad Tobey has a nice bed, he looks so cute. :)

  2. Awww Tobey is so cute!!! He totally reminds me of my dog in your video. he really looks healthy and playful for a 11 years old doggy! (=

  3. i remember that gift that you gave him..he looks so cute opening his gift.

    happy birthday to Tobey!

    his bed looks great. i plan to buy also a small bed for my charlie since he has been occupying my bed almost everyday!

    he is the permanent occupant of it not me!

  4. Your dog is super cute! I've always wanted a big dog to go along with my big rabbit, lol! Happy Birthday, Tobey!

  5. Happy b-day to Tobey!! He looks so happy on his bed and with his octopus toy. :D Love the HK key cap you got!

  6. hahaha... tobey looked real excited to get his picture taken on his new dog bed. oh, don't worry, he'll probably start using it once he's used to it. it does look like a well-made dog bed. :)

    oh, happy birthday, tobey. :D wow. 11. i wonder how old he must be in dog years then. for an 11-year-old dog, he looks great. very healthy and active. :) cute octopus present, BTW. :)

    i think my big curling iron must be 2 1/2 inches. something like that. it's great for shoulder-length to long hair. the tiny iron is nice, but i have way too much hair for it. hehehe...

    there's another advantage about waterproof mascara. it comes in handy for me. LOL. well, when i used to cry a lot (thank goodness i don't anymore and i hope i'm not speaking too soon. LOL.), i never really worried about getting that raccoon eye look, thanks to waterproof mascara. :D

    cute hello kitty key holder. i saw those at F21. hehe... :D

  7. i remember when F21 started carrying HK! and the doggies are so cute! :)

  8. Happy Birthday Tobey! He looks so happy on the bed :)
    I would like to get that for my baby too, she gets calluses on her elbows from the cement. eek..

    The video is so cute. Esp when he rolls over with the

  9. Tobey is so cute!!! happy birthday to him :D! looks like he likes the octopus plushie very much <3

  10. Yay for Tobey getting a new bed! He's really cute~

  11. How cute!!! Happy belated birthday Tobey!!

    So he only used that bed once? You should bring it in your room and let him sleep there instead of hog your bed lol

    Ahh that mirror is from a random Korean brand. Most Korean brands have these Anna Sui inspired things from brush holders to combs.

    I have no preference, both Lavshuca quad and the other one have pros and cons..

    A look with green es? Sure!!! Hmm do I have any green es? I'll have to dig through my drawers o.O

  12. Awww, the video was so cute! Tobey is a very smart and cute dog! Is he a black lab?

    The HK key cap is cute too. I've been eyeing key caps for awhile, but I don't even use my house key anymore, and it's the only key that I use (LOL) besides the mailbox key, which is super small. I go through my garage now that I have my own place & garage parking spot!

    Hope you're having a good weekend!

  13. aww happy birthday to tobey!! i love the hello kitty key cap :D i love hello kitty everything :P

  14. Happy belated bday to Tobey - he looks adorable :)
    great post!

  15. aww looks like Toby loves it. happy birthday to him!

    the joy of NARS blushes is that they have so many colours to choose for everyone!

  16. Jnie: I missed reading your blog, but it's only invite only. I hope you are doing well! I still think about you and Caramel... hehe~ I would love to see pictures of her and how big she's gotten!

  17. whoa. tobey's already 77. never could've guessed that. he's active, energetic, and healthy for a 77-year-old dog. he looks great for his age. :) i've seen older dogs who aren't really as active anymore as tobey. you've definitely taken really good care of tobey. :)

    yup, it's not really fun to have too much in the makeup bag. well, for us. haha... i used to carry a boatload of stuff, but it was quite overwhelming. other than not knowing what to do with them or them not getting used at all, it definitely weighed my bag down. it's a lot easier to work with and tote around a minimum of products. i'll just carry more stuff if i go out of town, which i'm REALLY hoping to do in the near, NEAR future. hahaha... :D

    lol. that's funny how tobey only goes on his dog bed when there's a treat. maybe you can throw in a toy with the treat to get him to stay on his dog bed. hehehe... :D

  18. i adore small animals!! wants to keep a cat and a dog when i move out :D

