
Monday, October 4, 2010

Los Angeles Korean Festival and My Haul

I didn't have a chance to visit all four days of Los Angeles Korean Festival. I did visit Saturday and I had a blast!!! :)
I knew they had been doing this for years, but I didn't know it was their 37th year! Wow oh wow!... hehe~ I took a picture of the main stage.
The first thing we visited was the main event, bi-bim-bahp (mixed rice), that occurred at 11:30 a.m. They mixed bi-bim-bahp in that big bowl. It took more than 5 people to mix the rice!... hehe~
After they mixed the rice, they gave a bowl for the audience to taste it. I was expecting a small size but they actually gave a decent amount. It was so delicious! I had seconds... lol~ :X
After eating bi-bim-bahp, I went shopping at the vendors. Not all the vendors are for shopping, some had games and gave away free stuff.
There's another section of vendors where they sell food and have free activities. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture but I did take one of the activity. You get to paint gold on a black background. I didn't take the whole painting because it was huge, people were blocking it, and the sun was in the wrong direction... hehe~ The other side had a building with a Korean flag (in the picture is American flag).
Here's another free activity; you make flowers and/or hanging flowers. This activity was the most packed!!! It was hard to get through and there was a waiting list to make these.
Here's the flower I got to make. I love it so much!... hehe~ I'm so into paper flowers. I have quite a few at home. :)
Since the activity was so packed, I didn't want to move to the other table to make this. I asked them if I can take it home to make and they said okay. I wanted pink and green, but I'm thankful they just gave me anything... hehe~ :) I took this picture after I glued the papers. For that reason, I didn't pull the green leaves down yet... hehe~ ;)
The last activity I visited was the stamping. The gentleman was holding my artwork and the lady was holding my flower... hehe~
Here's my first artwork the kind gentleman was holding... hehe~ This is my favorite out of the two I did! :)
This is my second artwork. It's such a cute character!
After visiting all the vendors, we went to the parade that occurred at 3 p.m. in the afternoon. Here's a Korean marching band.
Here's the female dancers dancing with the rope. It was gorgeous!
Here's the last picture I'm going to share about the parade. There were more than these... hehe~ :P  They were performing a tak kwon do stunt; chopping the wooden block.

Now for my haul and freebies... hehe~
I came home with this huge, free bag from Verizon. I had my haul and all the goodies I got inside.
These are some of the free stuff. On the left is the free catalog mentioning the event and the important people of Los Angeles. I got 5 free fans. I gave all of them away except for the one with the black handle. That was my favorite one!... hehe~ I got some ginger candies which I gave to my dad, and some pen and pencils.
Here's some more freebies clockwise from top left; car CD holder, some wooden chair toy, squeezable golf ball, thermal band-aid that smells bad (lol~), travel tag that lights up, plastic light-up game, key chain that lights up and other (whistle and direction), and army style key chain holder that you put around your neck (the last two are in the middle.). Please excuse my explanation!... lol~ :P
I also got a free poster that I got to choose. Of course I choose the Korean drama I recently fell in love with, Baking Kim Tak Goo... hehe~ :)

Now for what I have bought...
At one vendor, I bought some beauty products... hehe~ :X I bought Princess BB cream ($10 originally $25), Cosline eyeshadow ($2.50), and Cosline sheet mask ($2). It should have come out to $14.50, but they only charged me for $12... woo hoo~ It's like I got the eyeshadows for free!!! :) I will review these products later.
From the same vendor, they gave me these samples for free.
Inside it has a toner and lotion for acne-prone skin. Since I can't use it, I will give them away... hehe~

At another vendor, I bought hair accessories and a bracelet.
Pink felt hair clip. It's so gorgeous and it was the last one they had.
Pink fuzzy hair pin. I gave this one to my niece. It looks adorable on her! :)
Brown fuzzy hair pin.
Gray fuzzy hair pin. I think I've recently been into flower hair accessories... lol~ :X
Blue beaded bracelet. It's very simple and classic looking at least for me... hehe~ They were all $1 each.

The last vendor I got the cutest thing... hehe~
A cute 3D Hello Kitty key chain. It's really heavy!... hehe~ The Hello Kitty is full of white crystals. The picture does not do justice!!! The best part it was 50% off. I got it for $7.25 originally $14.50.

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except for the freebies. I got the freebies from the Los Angeles Korean Festival. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Wow, it looks like you got a lot of awesome stuff! I went there Friday night and got to see the wonder girls! :)

  2. Nice haul! I need a need drama to watch, hehe.

  3. great haul! i love the hello kitty key chain!!

  4. Wow this looks like such a fun festival! Especially love the paper flowers and the block prints you got to do. Great activities!

    Victoria Stanell

    Associate Product Editor

  5. The festival looked like a lot of fun! Nice haul!

  6. Korean festival looks really fun, I've never been to one before.

  7. I would totally transform that HK key chain into a pendant. It is so cute!

  8. Wow, what a fun festival! :D Girl, I'm jealous of all the stuff you got plus the activities.
