
Monday, August 2, 2010

Perricone MD Cold Plasma Winner

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile! Couple of weekends ago, my family and I went to Vegas to see my niece's Tae Kwon Do competition. I'm so proud of her she came in silver for form and bronze for the fighting. :) After coming back, it took a week to rejuvenate... lol~ :X

If you noticed, I changed my layout. I was tired of the old... hehe~ I hope you like the new layout as much as I do! :)

Anyways, now for the winner *drum roll*....
Twelve people entered the giveaway and the random generator choose #4.
The winner is libbeh (heart). I couldn't put the heart in the Excel sheet, therefore, I took it out... hehe~

Congrats and you have 48 hours to contact me with your e-mail address and home address. E-mail me at aly_4realz (at) hotmail (dot) com. If you don't contact me within 48 hours, I will draw a new winner.

Thank you Perricone MD for sponsoring this giveaway! I really appreciate it!!! :)

This is a simple recipe, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to post... hehe~ I hope you like it as much as I love this simple dish!... wheee~ :)

If you need some guidance with the ingredients, you can check my Korean Cooking 101. ;)

1 bag king mushroom
olive oil or any cooking oil
chopped garlic
noodle soup base or soy sauce
garlic salt
black pepper

Step 1:
Here's a picture of a king mushroom just in case you don't know it... hehe~ After you wash it, cut it into smaller pieces.
In a frying pan, put some cooking oil (I used olive oil) and chopped garlic. After the pan gets hot, I add the cut mushroom. Cook it for some time, I would say 5-10 minutes depending on the heat of the stove.
Once the mushroom is done, I add the seasoning. I add some noodle soup base (I don't like my mushroom dark) or you can add soy sauce. If you do add soy sauce, know that your mushroom will get dark... hehe~ Then I add garlic salt and black pepper to my taste.
You can eat with rice and kim-chi... wheee~ :) By the way, there's other ways to make use with this mushroom.

I'm going to end with a Korean ice cream that I recently bought from the Korean market. I just couldn't refuse posting this cute ice cream!... hehe~
It's a watermelon flavor ice cream.
How cute is that!?!? It's in a shape of a slice of watermelon!!! I get excited over simple things... hehe~ :)

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money except Perricone MD Cold Plasma. The giveaway is sponsored by Perricone MD. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Congratulations Libbeh! That icecream is adorable :) You're not the only one who thinks so hehe

  2. Congrats to your Niece! Oh, and the winner of the giveaway too.
    I think you and me have a quite similar taste, your layout looks similar to mine! Yay! :D
    The mushroom looks delicious! The shape of the ice cream is so cute!

  3. OOoo...I like the new layout and watermelon bar!

  4. Congratulations to the winner!

    That ice cream looks so cute indeed. Wow! Thanks for the easy recipe. I can probably substitute the King mushroom with button mushroom. I don't think we have King mushrooms here in the Philippines.

    By the way dearie, Thanks for joining my giveaway. Sorry it took me so long to comment back.

    Lots of love,

  5. Whoa! That watermelon pop looks so good! lol I get amazed by little things too. hahah

  6. Hi dearie! Here's how button mushrooms look like:

    To know more about it, you can also check this:

    Lots of love,

    PS, thanks for the warm comment.

  7. congrats to your niece for getting silver and bronze. yay! i'm glad you got to watch her compete and win too. :D

    you're making me hungry with the yummy food posts. i LOOOVE mushrooms. i know for sure i would like this dish. the watermelon ice cream looks yummy too...and CUTE. :D did you show it to tobey? i bet he would've loved to have that. hehehe... :D

    i've seen those hard candy baked e/s you were talking about that are dupable to the style black e/s. they do look VERY similar to MAC's style black. i was thinking of buying the blue hard candy e/s, but i already have blue flame. i remember there's a black and silver one. i might get that one. those will look really pretty if you use them with fix+ on your brush. :D

    back to vegas, glad you had fun there. :D lol. i ate a lot too when i was there. i know i'll eat again next time i come there. lol. hopefully there will be a next time soon. maybe one of these days we should go. :D

  8. Hi dearie!

    The diameter of fresh button mushroom is about 1 inch. The canned button mushrooms are smaller though.

    Lots of love,

  9. Congrats to your niece! That is awesome news :D Yum, I love mushrooms. That looks really delicious! Omg, that ice cream is too cute. Does it really taste like watermelon?

  10. aww... sorry to hear your niece was jet-lagged while she competed. i'm glad she won medals though. :D wow. las vegas is a nice location to compete. she's lucky her competition was held there.

    yeah, we should go some day. have a girls' vegas night out. hehehe... we can bring friends along. :D

    oh yeah, doggies can't eat ice cream for people. i heard they can't eat chocolate either. i guess there are some stuff we can eat that they can't and vice versa. your lunch must've been really yummy and he wanted some. hehehe...

    oh, wow. i see more colors on this meteor eyes collection. the dupe for gilt by association looks really nice. it really does remind me of it too. like a spot-on dupe. i also like the intergalactic one you mentioned. the purple one is really pretty too. i don't really have a sparkly purple one yet. it looks like the young punk one from mac, which i missed out on.

    oooh. mushroom pizza! love it! now i want some. hehehe... that's one of my few favorite toppings. i like that, pepperoni, veggie, and well, just plain cheese. now i'm craving pizza. lol. :D
