
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cherry on Top Award

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is bought with my money except Cellnique, Avon, and Sallen Hansen. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.

Please don't forget to enter the $75 gift card to SkinCareRx (click here to enter)! It ends July 4th at 11:59 pm PST.

Jannie from Sweet Simple Random Ramblings awarded me with Cherry on Top Award.!... woo hoo~ Thank you thank you thank you! It really means a lot to me especially it coming from her. These past couple of months we've been getting to know each other better beyond blogging. I must say she's one of the nicest, sweetest and most caring people I have met through blogging. I can see our friendship becoming more than virtual... hehe~ :)

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.
3. List 3 things which you love about yourself.
4. Post a picture you love.
5. Tag 5 people you wish to pass this award on to.

3 things I love about myself:
1. I feel very blessed in family-wise. No matter what my family is always there for me including Tobey... hehe~ He might not do anything special but whenever I'm down, he would put his head under my hand to tell me to pet him. It might not be special, but it means a lot to me!... lol~ :)
2. I hate talking about myself. I believe people will judge you from what they see... hehe~ Talking about judging, I am what you see. I cannot cover up false feelings. You will see everything on my face. It might not be a good thing, but I feel that I am honest with myself.
3. I love that I look younger than my age... lol~ I think it runs in the family which is a great thing... wheee~

Post a picture I love:
I think this is such a cute picture of Tobey!... lol~ He's so gangster with his hoodie... hehe~

Tag 5 people:
I'm not very good about tagging people. I say I tag everyone who reads my blog!!!... hehe~ If you do this tag, PLEASE tell me I would love to read about it. :)

It's that time of the month again. Wow time sure flies or was June a short month!!!

Finished Products
I received this to do a product review (click here to read my review) and I still stand with my review. I like this product a lot only for the spring/summer weather. I think it wouldn't help my dry skin during fall/winter weather. It's very moisturizing and you only need a little amount for the face.

Would repurchase: Yes.

I won this from a giveaway long time ago. I used some of it last summer and stopped when my skin started getting dry. Since it's summer time, I wanted to finish this product. It's a very light body lotion. To be honest, I'm not too keen on this lotion. I didn't like it much when I first started using this and still have the same opinion. I don't know why but this lotion feels weird on my skin. It doesn't feel smooth or leaves a smooth texture. It's a unique feeling... hehe~

Would repurchase: No.

I received this from a person and mentioned briefly about this (click here to read about it). I've used it for several months now and my opinion on this has changed. It really removes nail polishes well except for the glitter type. It's hard to remove glitter nail polishes and something in the ingredients was not good for me.
I'm guessing it might be the last ingredient, benzophenone, but I could be wrong... hehe~ After couple of weeks of using this, my nails would break easily. I never had an issue with breakage until I used this. I had to use a nail hardener to finish this product.

Would repurchase: No.

I'm going to end with two jewelry purchase. Since I don't have a car, I don't get to go shopping. This day was a lucky day that I got to step into Forever 21 and that was it... lol~ :X
I got a simple hoop earrings. I don't need any more hoop earrings since I have so many as it is, but this one is in gold plated. I don't own any gold jewelries so this is a good one for me... wheee~
I've been really into the double finger rings when I see people wear them. This is my first one and I love it... hehe~ It's a simple silver key! :)

Disclaimer: The product mentioned in this post is bought with my money except Cellnique, Avon, and Sallen Hansen. I am not affiliated with the company nor getting paid to advertise the product. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. Tobey is so super cute! I feel like that with my dog 2. I swear-they know when we're sad! Mine is nice and behaved when Im sad.

    Youre so good at finishing products A. I swear it takes me forever to finish anything. I have a million tested items...and a few half finished.

    Omg, Im totally obsessed with 2 finger rings 2...especially ones with words..and rhinestones.

  2. Aww your Tobbey is toooo cute! Mine doesn't like to get dressed up, and I think he is afraid of camera -_-

    I also received some products from Cellnique and I can't wait to work on the reviews! I'm happy to see it worked for you.

  3. Love your blog! And you've got pupee too wow!

    Visit my blog to win a beauty loot:

    Cawaii Lover

  4. awww... alyssa. thank you so much for posting the award tag. it means a lot you posted it and it is really nice and i am very happy getting to know you better and better. :D i'm so glad we found each other through poupeegirls. :D

    i really like that you're honest with your feelings. i think it's a really good thing. it's better for the health too. bottling up emotions can sometimes trigger ulcers or panic attacks. (it's panic attacks for me. not fun.)

    i love the double finger ring. that is so cool. the key design is CUTE. :D now i want one too. hehe... i'mma look around for one now. hehe...

    tobey's so adorable in his hoodie. hehehe... he looks like he is lovin' the camera. he did what he does best. look cute and put a smile on my face. :D

    i wonder if there are korean stores in my area. i'm pretty sure there are. maybe a bit farther down south, but in case i find one, i'll try the wipes. i know there's an area here called fashion 5 that carries makeup wipes. i don't know if they're exactly like the ones you featured. hmm... i wonder if they are. i should give those a try. hehe... i need makeup wipes anyway. speaking of that, i need a toner too. i ran out of mine. lol.

    ooh. sally hansen hidden treasure? i wonder what color that is. is it a collection or specific color? now i'm curious. i haven't bought nail polish in a while. i need more. especially bright colors. :D

    lol. yup, got my iced green tea last night. it was the costco kind. hehe... it's been crazy hot lately, so that came in handy.

    back to sally hansen. haha... oh yeah, i do remember glitter polish was a nightmare to remove with kwik off. it's better off to remove with an acetone-based remover. it'll still take quite some time to remove, but it won't be a century compared to kwik off or something non-acetone.

    well, i guess i'll try to sleep. TRY. haha... hope you're sleeping well at this hour. take care and happy friday. :D

  5. thanks for the award! <3

    Love your dog he is soo cute!!

    I'm actually not to keen on the two finger rings, they don't let me move my finger around like I like. and They feel to gangster for me. you know?
    I feel like I should punch some one when I put one one. :/
    any way; thanks for the post!

  6. I love your list here. You are very blessed! :D That pic of Tobey makes me giggle. *^_^* I can't believe July's already here! Thanks for your review of each item. I really like that double finger ring!

    P.S Thanks girl for the links!

  7. i wasn't about to wait for my store to stock it haha i ordered straight off the website. it's so cute i couldn't bear it if someone snatched it away :)

  8. hey, alyssa! :) happy fourth of july!!! what will you be doing today? i'll probably see fireworks with my son. i'm glad i don't have to close at work tomorrow. hehe... :D

    i am more than happy to say that i feel some connection with you too. through poupee girls and blogging, i am thankful and feel very blessed to have met a friend like you. it makes my day exchanging comments and emails with you. i hope this goes beyond blogging too. it's always fun talking to you. i'm also sure it will be fun hanging out with you too. :D

    it's cool how you have an expressive face. at least when something's wrong, it shows and when it shows, it can be fixed. for some people, it's quite hard to tell what their feeling. sometimes, they'll just continue hiding it until it gets worse. of course it's also nice when friends and family around you see that you're happy too. :D

    yup, i am looking forward to do a look with the nyx shadows. especially the burgundy one. it's such a pretty color. i'm thinking of blending it in with a black on the crease. something quite smokey. hehe...

    hidden treasure sounds pretty. i wonder if it's glitter in many colors. that'd be cool. :D too bad it's hard to find though. maybe that's probably why they named it hidden treasure. lol.

    i should check out forever 21 for the connector rings. wow. i learned something new from you. i did not know what the name of it was until you told me, so thanks. :D that would be so cool to wear to work. my co-workers will get a kick out of those. :D

    aww... i did not know tobey doesn't like the camera. it's a good thing you have treats for him. at least we get to see his cuteness through pictures. hehe... :D i guess not very many animals like clothes. i've heard some try to bite their clothes off. it's a good thing tobey it's pretty good about modeling them. hehe... he's so handsome. :D

    as for korean stores, it's great to know they're everywhere. :D i'm sure there's one somewhere around here. just gotta keep exploring. would those stores carry etude house or face shop products? i'd like to try those. especially stuff similar to the nail polish you have. the colors are pretty and the packaging is way cute. :D

    enjoy your fourth of july, alyssa. take care and have fun. :D

  9. the pic of Tobey is really cute! He does look like a gangster, lol! You always have empty products every month! Congrats on the award btw ;)

  10. aww Tobey looks adorable! congrats on your award!

  11. Aw your dog looks so cute with the hoodie on :) x
