
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

L'occitane 25% Shea Ultra Rich Face Cream

End of last year (2009), while checking out the outlet, I noticed a little store that sells skin care products. I have never heard of this brand even though it's popular... lol~ :X I'm slow when it comes to skin care products but I noticed I'm much better this year (2010). That's a different story... hehe~ Anyways, I decided to try their famous facial cream. I told the saleslady I have the driest skin since it's winter and she recommended this product for me. I bought the sample packet that comes with three of the same facial moisturizer. I used one of them (I need to use the other two) and decided it's time to review it... hehe~
Product Review: L'occitane 25% Shea Ultra Rich Face Cream

Where can you purchase this: Sephora, Loccitane stores, and their website at
about $39

Made in France

Information from the website: New paraben-free formula, the Ultra Rich Face Cream is specially formulated to hydrate, nourish and protect dry and damaged skin. The perfect moisturizer for those with dry or dehydrated skin, who are in need of intensive hydration. The formula is exceedingly dense and creamy, although rapidly absorbed without leaving an oily film. It has been proven to increase skin hydration for 24 hours.

In addition to 25% shea butter, the formula is made with wheat and chestnut extracts, which strengthen the skin. These extracts are rich in vitamins and minerals to help replenish the skin’s hydrolipidic film and restore balance to the skin’s barrier, defending it against harsh environmental conditions.

My thoughts: My initial reaction is that it sounds great especially for my dry skin that needs a lot of hydration. It wouldn't hurt to try... hehe~ After finishing one tube that took me about a little less than a month, I realized it wasn't for me. It didn't hydrate my face as the saleslady mentioned, as well as, the website. After I moisturized my face with the cream, I could still feel the tightness and it didn't disappear as time went on throughout the day *sigh*. I actually felt like I needed more cream on my face which I did apply... hehe~ :X

* It's from a natural/organic product.
* Cream is thick.
* Melts in your skin.

* Didn't moisturize.
* Felt tightness.
* Smelled like butter.

Would I buy this again? No.
Rating: [Color+Paw.jpg] 2/5 Tobey's Paws

Hints of moisturizing your face:
* After you apply the moisturizer and it still feels tight (say about 10 minutes later), it isn't doing it's job. You need a heavier moisturizer.
* If it's moisturizing your face but say an hour later, your face is shiny/oily then the moisturizer is too heavy for you. You need a lighter moisturizer.

I'm sure you guys know these rules, but it doesn't hurt to say it... hehe~ ;)

Two weeks ago, I checked out Sephora and noticed they're selling Benefit Lust Dusters for their Sweet Steals (click here to learn about Sweet Steals). Unfortunately, they changed it last week but it doesn't hurt to check it out at your local Sephora... hehe~ ;)
They had two different sets of Benefit Lust Dusters, but I thought I'll get more use with these colors... hehe~ I got them in light, natural colors. I think they will look great in the inner corners, as well as, bottom inner lids. :)
The first color is white, pure and it's called Snow Bunny.
The middle color is Nugget.
The last color is Goldilocks.

I also swatched the colors for you... hehe~
The colors from left to right are Snow Bunny, Nugget, and Goldilocks.

Today (well it won't be when this is posted), I met with Kalmo and had a good time eating lunch and shopping. I didn't buy much, but a headband for myself (I know I need to stop *sigh*) and a gift for Tobey... hehe~
I couldn't refuse this headband for several reasons. For one thing, it's unique and the other is that it's gorgeous!... hehe~ I bought this from Charlotte Russe.
I bought this at Old Navy. It's such an interesting product... hehe~ I'm so easily amused!... hehe~ It has a snap-on button on the side where you can snap it together. Then un-snap when you want to put water in the square bowl-like cloth. I bought this to take Tobey along like the dog park. I don't like him drinking out of the water bowl at the dog park... hehe~ It's really nasty! :X

Disclaimer: The products mentioned in this post are bought with my own money. I am not affiliated with any company nor getting paid to advertise any products. This post is written with my honest opinion.


  1. the dog water bowl is so cute and interesting! sounds really handy :)

    i wanted to get the benefit lust dusters too when I saw it at Sephora but some how convinced myself that I didn't need it and ended up getting something else instead!

    So nice that you get to shop with Kalmo, it's definitely nice when you have another beauty addict to shop with!

  2. Love your rating system! Too cute. *^_^* Fellow dog lover here.

  3. Wow, O_O what is that on the first page? Looks like an Asian doll? Did you make that???

    And good luck for the review! Hope you slept better than last time. Sorry to hear about the cramps and aches, hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow!!

  4. Oh no. I think I might have done it again? If you got some weird comment that is completely unrelated to your post, it's because I am getting old and senile. =_=; If you didn't get anything, just disregard everything I've just said.

    But sorry to hear the moisturiser wasn't right for you D= I don't know, I can't imagine using L'occitane on my face because the 25% and 20% shea butter creams I have are so THICK and don't exactly feel light. And the headband is soooo cute, as well as hte waterbowl for Tobey, seems like such a good idea! At first I thought it was a laundry basket xD, my bad!

  5. i'm the other hand, have a very oily skin. i still haven't found the right moisturizer yet. sigh...
    the headband does look really gorgeous!

  6. Aww I'm sorry to hear that the L'occitane didn't work for you :( I've only ever used their hand lotions and I quite liked their Rose one! Oh well, maybe u can use these as hand lotion!!xD
    Hahah Risotto is Italian!but I guess since there's a lot of people of Italian descent in America, it is quite popular and easily found there?

  7. Ahh, L'Occitane is one of my favourite western brands. Pity that it isn't moisturizing enough for you :(

    Lust Dusters? What are they for?

    The sasatinnie sheet mask that's shown in my blog is the Rice Bran Anti-Oxidizing flavour.

    If I'm not mistaken, Tsuya Tsuya is a Singaporean brands but their products are made in Korea. I don't line my bottom line when I go out because it smudges terribly... I think it's safe though haha XD

  8. Hi Alyssa,

    Sorry to hear this face cream did not work for you, especially since it's so expensive! I love the packaging though haha. Tell me when your birthday is because I'm getting you a hydrating serum!!

    Oh those powder eyeshadows/highlighters are so pretty, thanks for the swatches. It's good you got them for a nice price too!

    Your headband is so cute!

    Let me know if you want to get shaved ice tomorrow hehe. The cakes from Paris B. were so yummy.

  9. I've never tried any L'Occitane products. thanks for the review :)

    that portable bowl is so cute and innovative!

    i love the headband, it's adorable!

  10. I really like l'occitane but never heard of it until I saw it in my mom's bathroom cabinet and stole it from her. hahaha.

    nugget is so pretty it kind of looks like vanilla but less pigmented tee hee hee

  11. Ahh~ I'm so sorry Ahleessa! I did think I did it again~ I've only done it that one time before! And do you know what the funniest thing is? Both times the comment I posted to you was intended for the same girl! (She's probably wondering why I don't care about her and don't post comments on her posts right now!)

    And actually the JS mini brush bristles are a bit too densely packed for my liking for a blush brush. It's so dense you can't really tell if it's soft, if you know what I mean. I mean, it doesn't feel coarse on the skin, but I don't think it's as soft as my Bobbi Brown face blending brush. But that's not a fair comparison, because that's a lot more fluffy =_=;;

  12. wow. thanks for the hints of moisturizing. i'm still quite new with moisturizer, so these come in handy in case i look for a new one. :) (i like my dramatically different lotion so far. tried elizabeth arden, but it made me itchy.)

    pretty headband, btw. :) it looks very elegant with the pearls inside the flowers. that'll go great with a lot of accessories too. :D

    the tobey bowl is pretty neat. that sure will come in handy for the dog park. it looks very easy to carry too. didn't know old navy had dog stuff. that's pretty cool. :)

    not many of my friends aren't into makeup either, so yeah, it was hard to find someone to come to the event with me. you would've been awesome company at the event. we'd have loads of fun. would be nice if we lived close by. :)

    take care and happy weekend. :D

  13. Thanks for the review, I'm sorry to hear the cream didn't work for you.

    That headband is beautiful!

  14. Awww the Toby's Pwas rating is so cute!

    Yeah, my dog is the love of my life. I think I love him even more than my boyfriend LOL.

    As far as I know, no, the Garnier cream doesn't have any SPF )=

  15. Thanks for the sweet comment on my haircut ^^ I have such a long face with a HUGE forehead, so it's always hard to find a proper haircut -_-

    My Golden (his name is Balou ^^) is 11 years old. He's becoming old ),=

  16. i had the hand cream from l'occitane and loved it.. but then it just got to thick and i didn't like the tube anymore. oh wells!

  17. You provided really nice information about the product. Thanks for your informative post.
    L 'Occitane UK discount code
